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SPACE NEED STUDY MASTER PLAN <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 12/20/91: <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners DATE: December 30, 1991 FILE: <br />Space Need Study <br />SUBJECT: Master Plan <br />FRO James E. Chandler <br />County Administrator REFERENCES: <br />The revised VOA Space Need Study Master Plan Is nearing completion. In order <br />to allot sufficient time for presentation of the plan by the consultants, it is <br />requested the Board schedule an appropriate meeting date. <br />The Board scheduled the presentation of the Space Need Study <br />Master Plan for Wednesday, January 22, 1992, at 1:30 o'clock P.M. <br />SURPLUS BUILDINGS - HEALTH DEPT. - MAIN LIBRARY - BUDGET AMEND 008 <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 12/10/91: <br />DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1991 <br />.TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />THRU: JAMES E. .CHANDLER <br />COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR <br />FROM: H.T. "SONNY" DEAN, CTMI <br />;h DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES <br />SUBJECT: SURPLUS BUILDINGS <br />HEALTH DEPARTMENT - MAIN LIBRARY <br />..BUDGET AMENDMENT -.008 <br />:BACKGROUND: - = <br />With vacating the subject two buildings, staff did a study to. <br />determine the feasibility of relocating our offices now in the 2001 <br />Building into one of these locations. The attached chart is a <br />comparison of the estimated cost for renovation and annual operating <br />expenses on each location including expenses associated __.with <br />remaining in the 2001 Building. The anticipated cost are itemized <br />for each year through 1996. In looking at just the dollars.,: it <br />'appears the most economical choice would be to stay in the- 2001 <br />`.Building. However, •we have evaluated the situation from every'- angle <br />in a effort to determine which would be in the best interest for the <br />`County• : �,.:..:. 47 <br />Ei)CiK � � r AGE: ►�J1.�' <br />JAN V92 <br />