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MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bird, that the Board approve Alternative <br />No. 1 authorizing staff to acquire the right-of-way by <br />whatever legal means is necessary, as set out in the <br />above staff recommendation. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Wheeler asked if we have any <br />right-of-way going from 66th Avenue further west, and Director <br />Davis replied that we do. All of these streets are part of the <br />Sub -Lateral Canal platted road right-of-way with 30 feet to the <br />north of the quarter section line and 30 feet of the canal right- <br />of-way to the south. It is cut all the way through west of I-95 to <br />102nd Avenue. <br />Commissioner Wheeler understood then that there is 30 feet of <br />right-of-way all the way past I-95 and that all three of the roads <br />to be paved are secondary collector roads. <br />Engineer Roger Cain explained that we have an 80 -ft. right-of- <br />way requirement for collector roads, but at some point earlier in <br />the history of these projects, it was decided that we could not <br />acquire the 80 feet but could meet a local road design and get it <br />permitted with a 60 -ft. right-of-way. If we ever have to improve <br />these roads further, it is most probable that we would have to get <br />additional right-of-way. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted that this will be a major <br />improvement that will enable approximately 2000 people living in <br />Village Green and Indian River Estates to access Ryanwood Shopping <br />Center without getting out on SR -60. <br />Mr. Cain wished to point out that 26th Street will not be <br />paved all the way to 58th Avenue at this time, but it does go <br />through to 58th Avenue. <br />CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. The Motion <br />was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />FDOT'S REQUEST FOR COMMITMENT OF COUNTY FUNDS COUNTY PHASE I <br />CLOSED LOOP SYSTEM <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 1/14/92: <br />33 <br />JAN 211992 <br />nr# <br />