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In order to ensure that the two County intersections will be <br />included in the Phase I System, the County must commit to the <br />allocation of the above local share of $29,200. (Since this is <br />only an estimate based on 60% Design Plans, it is recommended <br />that we allocate $33,000 which will include .$3,800 for <br />contingencies.) <br />With the inclusion of these two locations in the System, we will <br />have the ability to monitor intersection performance and make <br />automatic adjustments, from the County Traffic Engineer's office, <br />to help expedite traffic flow efficiency. These two <br />intersections are strategic to promoting efficient flow along <br />both Old Dixie Highway and 6th Avenue. <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS <br />Alternative #1 <br />Board of County Commissioners approve commitment of a <br />maximum of $33,000 or approximately 3% of the total project, <br />to include the 8th Street and 6th Avenue and 8th Street and <br />Old Dixie Highway intersections in the "Phase I Closed Loop" <br />construction. This action would allow the project to move <br />ahead -as presently being designed and give maximum <br />flexibility and control over all signals between 4th Street <br />and 37th Street along the Indian River Boulevard, US 1, 6th <br />Avenue, Old Dixie Highway and the eastern SR 60 corridor. <br />(41 locations) <br />Alternative #2 <br />Board of County Commissioners not approve commitment of <br />requested funds. This would result in the two intersections <br />under discussion not being included in the Phase I project. <br />This would remove two strategically located intersections <br />from direct control within the "Phase I Closed Loop System." <br />For the County to add these locations into the Closed Loop <br />System in the future would cost approximately double the <br />$33,000 requested. <br />Staff therefore recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />approve the Florida Department of Transportation's request for a <br />maximum of $33,000 to complete the "Phase I Closed Loop System" <br />as a 41 intersection group as presently being designed. <br />Since this funding requirement has just surfaced, the $33,000 has <br />not been specifically allocated in the current Traffic <br />Improvement Program. <br />Funding is from fund 109 Secondary Road Trust Fund (Local Option <br />Gas Tax Revenue). <br />35 <br />JAN 21 <br />BOOK FAli ��`$ <br />