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BOOK FAUC <br />Under discussion, Ed Nelson of Countryside advised that they <br />have no question to the 7 -year extension, but they feel the <br />approval should be contingent on further study of the monetary <br />amount, because $28,500 had been put into the R&R fund (Renewal and <br />Replacement Fund) by the original developer. They want to study <br />those figure6, if they may, before that is finally agreed upon. He <br />explained that the developer was to pay $500 a month for a total of <br />$30,000. They had the park for 57 months and records do show that <br />$28,500 was paid into that R&R fund. Since the plant did not need <br />repair by the County during that period or since, it appears that <br />there should be another amount in there. They would appreciate <br />being able to study those figures before the final agreement is <br />made. <br />Commissioner Bird asked how that would affect Commissioner <br />Scurlock's Motion, and Commissioner Scurlock explained that his <br />Motion is for approval, but he wants the Administrator to take <br />another look to make sure that the $142,967 and $6,900 are the <br />right figures. In fact, he would expect those figures would be <br />changing on a minute to minute basis if that money is in an <br />interest-bearing account. <br />Under discussion, Administrator Chandler advised that the <br />$142,967 and $6,900 does not include the R&R or those other funds <br />which were to continue forward, but we can look at that part <br />further if the Board wishes. He just wanted it to be clear that <br />what we identified as one of the questions in the study we did last <br />spring was that amount and the intended potential use of that <br />amount in the future. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. The Motion <br />was voted on and carried unanimously, with Commissioner <br />Bird remaining silent. (Silence is considered a vote in <br />favor of the Motion.) <br />Commissioner Bird still was confused about whether we think <br />the R&R should be applied, because if it should be applied, then we <br />probably need to know what the figure is. If it should not be <br />applied, then there is no use going through the exercise. <br />Attorney Vitunac felt the only money going in is the $142,967 <br />plus the $6,900 and any interest accrued in the last few weeks. <br />That will solve the whole issue, no matter how much there was in <br />the R&R fund. <br />Administrator Chandler didn't believe it should include the <br />R&R, because the figure that was discussed last spring was that <br />amount that had been paid by the original developer and turned over <br />4'2 <br />