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Last modified
7/23/2015 12:03:30 PM
Creation date
6/16/2015 10:58:30 AM
Meeting Type
Special Call Meeting
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_ M M <br />activity could be separate from the day to day operations of a <br />department. <br />Commissioner Scurlock suggested Emergency Services as another <br />department which could be put in a separate facility, for instance <br />at station number one, or expand a satellite facility. <br />County Administrator Chandler stated another element is <br />function and accessibility to the public, which we have not <br />discussed thoroughly. There is also the issue of interdepartmental <br />relationships. Emergency Services or Probation might be more <br />logically moved during an interim period. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt it depends in large part on the <br />County Administrator's management concepts and structure of his <br />organization as it relates to various departments. He felt the <br />Commission would depend on the Administrator's decisions. <br />County Administrator Chandler stated that at the beginning of <br />the meeting he may have oversimplified this subject by saying, <br />"This is the beginning," but this is the beginning of what is <br />required to begin that planning process, short and long range, and <br />today's discussion was an example of what needs to be done to <br />ultimately reach a plan to reach our goals. <br />Commissioner Wheeler said there is a lot of valuable <br />information in the report, square footage and how they tie together <br />and it gives us a basis to move ahead with planning. He stated he <br />is not interested in pursuing a new administration building. <br />Chairman Eggert confirmed that is the Board's feeling. <br />County Administrator Chandler confirmed this is not a plan for <br />a new building but rather a report of our needs, our long range <br />projections. Our consultant is suggesting what we need to study <br />for development and analysis and for recommendation to the Board. <br />Commissioner Scurlock stated he expected the County <br />Administrator would be reporting back periodically to the Board in <br />terms of better utilizing our existing building with suggestions <br />for relieving cramped conditions and making enough room for people <br />to get their jobs done. <br />County Administrator Chandler assured the Board, with or <br />without this report, he is constantly making decisions about the <br />existing space because of the addition of people and equipment, <br />such as computers. On completion of the new health building, space <br />became available in this building and was immediately filled by <br />another department, and we will continue to be doing that. Mr. <br />Chandler foresees critical time periods when this building will not <br />be able to accommodate us and we will be forced to move some <br />aspects of the current operation from this building to another <br />location. It is just a question of timing. <br />�i <br />JAN 22 199- BOOK 65 NA :� <br />
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