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Last modified
7/23/2015 12:03:31 PM
Creation date
6/16/2015 10:52:55 AM
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recalled that the feeling at the workshop was that as much of the <br />money as possible should be put into advertising that will attract <br />people from outside the county. That would exclude direct <br />administrative salaries but would include workers for a specific <br />project. <br />Director Baird explained the difficulty in specifying the <br />items to be excluded and gave the example of paying for a big name <br />band because that will attract people from outside the county, but <br />renting the stage and paying for the electricity and other gray <br />areas must be considered on an individual basis. The problem is <br />that "promotional cost" is a very broad term. <br />Chairman Eggert emphasized that whatever it is that we <br />traditionally have excluded should be disclosed so they will not <br />send an application which included that item. <br />Commissioner Wheeler felt we could not list all the exclusions <br />because there are a lot of things in the tourist law that are vague <br />and can be interpreted to various degrees. <br />Commissioner Bird suggested that even with a certain amount of <br />volunteerism, there might be a situation where an event might be <br />exactly what we need to attract tourists but in order,to promote, <br />coordinate and make that event happen, it would be necessary to <br />have a paid professional to handle it., <br />Chairman Eggert pointed out that the Tourist Bureau is <br />designed to do that. <br />Director Baird said the council feels if an organization <br />requests funds to cover 20 percent of their administrative costs, <br />that indicates they are relying on tourist funds, and we discourage <br />that. If the administrative salary were for a particular event, it <br />could be considered a direct cost of that event but we have to look <br />at each one of the events individually and evaluate them. That is <br />why at the workshop the Tourist Development Council did not want to <br />develop any other criteria which may limit creativity. <br />Commissioner Wheeler enumerated three large events which <br />occurred in the preceding weeks which were done by volunteers, and <br />he felt as long as we have active civic organizations in this <br />community who sponsor large, well -coordinated events without paid <br />staff, that is what we should fund. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt from the beginning that the <br />criteria for use of the tourist tax funds should be very limited. <br />He realized other communities have more liberal views, but he felt <br />we should continue with our restrictions unless there is a lack of <br />agencies applying for funding, at which time we can readdress the <br />issue. <br />21 <br />APR 141992 <br />
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