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Chairman Eggert asked if a copy of the law was included with <br />the check lists, and Director Baird was certain most applicants <br />understood the law as well as the fact that the objective is to put <br />heads on beds in Indian River County. <br />Commissioners Bowman agreed that the informational packet <br />should include the primary purpose, the standards and restrictions, <br />and would like to see a statement prepared. The other Board <br />members concurred. <br />Commissioner Scurlock suggested that the council assist Mr. <br />Baird to draft a letter that would state those details. <br />Director Baird explained there is a time constraint because <br />the letter would have to be sent before the next Board meeting. <br />Commissioner Bird suggested the Board could authorize Mr. <br />Baird to make telephone calls to convey the Board's statement to <br />the applicants. <br />Commissioner Wheeler felt Director Baird has already conveyed <br />that information to the applicants. <br />Chairman Eggert requested, and the other Board membersagreed, <br />that in the future this should be done on a more formal basis, and <br />Director Baird said he understood the Board's direction. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Wheeler, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously approved <br />the checklist of authorized uses of Tourist Tax <br />Revenue as the criteria to be used in evaluating the <br />agencies, with additional clarification on standards <br />and restrictions to be included in the future. <br />AUTHORIZED USES OF TOURIST TAX REVENUE <br />(F.S. 125.0104(5)) <br />(Check one and proceed to form checked) <br />Form <br />❑ 1. Convention Center, Sports Stadium, etc. <br />❑ 2. Promote and Advertise Tourism <br />❑ 3. County Tourist Bureau <br />❑ 4. Beach Improvement, River. Restoration, etc. <br />❑ 5. Museums, Zoos, Fishing Piers, Nature Centers <br />23 <br />APR 14 1992 x001 <br />