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APR 1411TWIL . <br />mor.. 6 1 6L 56 <br />participants which exactly profiles the county. Even if you had <br />it, you could not prove it. The workshop will be the ultimate <br />test. Mr. Wetzig also commented that for the first workshop the <br />greatest challenge is to get 150 seats filled; the second year <br />there are too many applicants. <br />Commissioner Bird believed this project has considerable merit <br />and benefit to the Commission for future planning and to better <br />guide this county in the future. <br />Commissioner Wheeler questioned government funding of this <br />project. He was impressed with the makeup of the steering <br />committee and described them as the movers and shakers of our <br />community who represent various organizations and interests in the <br />county. He felt the workshop could produce some positive things <br />but does not feel government should fund it. <br />Chairman Eggert was aware that the County does many things for <br />economic development which the community does not see or <br />appreciate. However, there are many facets to economic development <br />and it involves much more than bringing industry to Indian River <br />County. We need to know how to approach it. She has concerns <br />about the proposed workshop, including the requested budget, but <br />supports it because no matter how many civic meetings a <br />Commissioner attends there is not a room large enough to include <br />all interested parties. She admitted she wished she had more <br />accurate information about how constituents feel and how the entire <br />county feels. Even though there are a lot of other meetings, she <br />feels this project is worth supporting, one time, with no <br />commitment and no promises for the future, with the hope it <br />accomplishes what the steering committee is looking for. <br />Commissioner Bowman was concerned that this may be an <br />expensive learning process and wished there were more experienced <br />people involved. She asked if we do get a good cross section and <br />a reasonable consensus is reached, what happens with the results, <br />who carries the ball. <br />Chairman Eggert assumed it would be the responsibility of <br />whoever can most effectively carry that ball. <br />Mr. Wetzig confirmed Chairman Eggert's comment and said that <br />unlike a town meeting where citizens take that responsibility, this <br />process is to give information to those representatives who <br />actually make decisions. Whether the Board of County Commissioners <br />hears and believes what the groups says, at least it gives them <br />information and input we might not otherwise have. This process <br />will provide a distilled vehicle which provides honest information <br />to the elected officials who will determine whether that <br />information should be acted upon. <br />32 <br />