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6/3/2016 10:55:08 AM
Creation date
6/3/2016 10:55:07 AM
Official Documents
Official Document Type
Work Order
Approved Date
Control Number
Agenda Item Number
Entity Name
Kimley-Horn & Assoc.
Work Order No.6 66th Avenue Intersection Improvements
Oslo Rd. (9th St. SW) and 66th Ave. Intersection
Project Number
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WORK ORDER NUMBER 6 <br /> Oslo Road (91h St. SW) and 66th Avenue Intersection Improvement <br /> IRC Project No. 1203 <br /> This Work Order Number 6 is entered into as of this 24 day of May 2016, pursuant to <br /> that certain Continuing Contract Agreement for Professional Services, dated November 15, 2011 and that <br /> certain Extension and Amendment of Continuing Contract Agreement for Professional Services entered into <br /> as of the 4"day of November,2014(collectively referred to as the"Agreement'), by and between INDIAN <br /> RIVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("COUNTY") and Kimley-Horn & <br /> Associates, Inc.("Consultant"). <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> The COUNTY desires to prepare traffic signalization plans associated with the Oslo Road/ 661h Avenue <br /> Intersection Improvement Project. It is understood that the proposed signalization improvements will consist <br /> of a box span-wire traffic signal assembly at the subject intersection which will be designed to meet current <br /> IRC and FDOT standards. It is understood that the proposed signalization design will be performed based <br /> upon the proposed IRC roadway geometry. <br /> The plans will include the design and layout of proposed signal poles, signal heads, loops, conduit, and pull <br /> boxes. The plans will include all call outs, loop detector chart, controller timing chart, signal head details, <br /> sign details,controller notes,signal operating plan,overhead street name sign design details, pole schedules, <br /> tabulation of quantities. <br /> The set of plans will include the following sheets: key sheet; tabulation of quantities; general notes; plan <br /> sheet; sign work sheets (if necessary) and strain pole schedule. The COUNTY will provide geotechnical data <br /> necessary to support the strain pole selection. <br /> The County agrees to provide (in a timely manner) the following material, data, or services as required in <br /> connection with the work to be performed under this Agreement; all of which information the CONSULTANT <br /> may use and reasonably rely upon: <br /> A. Provide the CONSULTANT with a geotechnical investigations, traffic counts, preliminary data or <br /> reports available,existing location surveys,topographic surveys,and related documents required <br /> to complete the construction documents. <br /> B.! Provide the CONSULTANT with all available drawings, right-of-way maps, and other documents <br /> in the possession of the County pertinent to the project. <br /> C. The County shall make provisions for the CONSULTANT to enter upon public and private property <br /> as required for the CONSULTANT to perform his services. <br /> D. The County will promptly execute all permit applications and provide application and review fees <br /> necessary to expedite the acquisition of any local, state or federal permits made necessary by <br /> the project. <br />
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