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Comprehensive Plan Solid Waste Sub -Element <br />POLICY 4.1: The County shall expand its recycling program by accepting more materials, such as <br />food waste, to be recycled to reduce the volume of waste disposed of in the landfill. <br />POLICY 4.2: By 2022, the SWDD shall re-evaluate <br />of establishing a mandatory solid waste collection system that serves properties within the Countv's <br />Urban Service Area. Upon the establishment of mandatory door-to-door garbage collection, the <br />SWDD shall evaluate the need for and the level of service required from the customer convenience <br />centers. <br />POLICY 4.3: The SWDD shall continue to assist the School Board to develop and maintain a <br />course which informs students of the impact of mismanaged solid and hazardous waste as well as the <br />importance and benefits of a recycling program. <br />POLICY 4.4: The County as part of its recycling program shall eliminate open burning in urban <br />areas by maintaining its facility for the recycling of organic waste, including land clearing debris, <br />grass clippings, etc. into compost and mulch. <br />POLICY 4.5: The SWDD, through radio and newspaper advertisements, informational brochures, <br />or through special events, shall provide general public education on the importance and benefit of <br />the recycling program. <br />POLICY 4.6: By 2020, the SWDD shall evaluate the <br />feasibility of the maximum recovery of recyclables from the County garbage stream and their <br />conversion to useful products. <br />POLICY 4.7: By 20 20, the SWDD shall valuate to determine the <br />feasibility of transferring the County's solid waste to another regional facility for disposal of solid <br />waste. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 29 <br />