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Last modified
1/29/2018 11:18:23 AM
Creation date
6/3/2016 12:32:01 PM
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Resolution Type
Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment
State and Regional Review Agencies
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To add flexibility and increase local control, state law provides that, under certain conditions, <br />local governments have the option of allowing the level of service on certain roads to fall below <br />adopted standards for a limited time. According to state law, a local government may issue a <br />development order for a project for which insufficient road capacity exists, provided construction <br />of the additional capacity needed to serve the project commences within three years of the <br />issuance of the project's first building permit. As reflected in its concurrency management <br />system, Indian River County has chosen to incorporate that provision in its regulations. <br />Within the county, some existing roads are deficient in right-of-way. Even those roadways that <br />are not right-of-way deficient, however, seldom have adequate right-of-way to accommodate a <br />widening or other improvement. Consequently, most roadway improvement projects require <br />acquisition of right-of-way to accommodate the improvement. A detailed discussion of the <br />county roadway network is contained in the Transportation Element. <br />Y Mass Transit <br />Established in 1994, the GoLine is the fixed route transit service in Indian River County. <br />Although available to all ages, the GoLine is operated by the Indian River County Senior <br />Resource Association. Funding for the GoLine is provided from several sources, including the <br />federal government, the State of Florida, Indian River County, the cities of Fellsmere and <br />Sebastian, other non-profit agencies, and advertising revenue. In November 2009, there were <br />fourteen routes providing fixed -route service throughout the county, with some routes operating <br />five days per week and providing hourly service. In 2008, the fixed route system provided one- <br />way trips to 508,977 riders, an average of 1,631 riders per service day. <br />Recently, the GoLine established a new north county hub near the CR 510/CR 512 intersection <br />and relocated the Vero Beach hub to the former county administration building site. While four <br />routes provide service to the north county hub, seven routes serve the Vero Beach hub. In <br />addition, four routes provide service to the Indian River Mall, one of the GoLine's busiest <br />destinations <br />Although the low density residential character of the county works as a deterrent to mass transit, <br />there are some major trip generators and attractors located within the county. Those <br />developments include the Indian River Mall and other shopping centers along SR 60, the 37th <br />Street medical node, the Wal-Mart Supercenter in Sebastian, and multi -family developments. <br />r Aviation, Ports, and Rail <br />Indian River County has three public use airports. These are the New Hibiscus Airport, the <br />Sebastian Municipal Airport, and the Vero Beach Nilunieipal Reaional Airport. While the New <br />Hibiscus Airport, just west of the I-95/SR 60 interchange, is used primarily for agricultural <br />spraying from its grass runway, the Sebastian Municipal Airport has the capacity for light private <br />and corporate aircraft. As the largest airport in the county, the Vero Beach MunieipalRe2ional <br />Airport is capable of handling large commercial jet aircraft. <br />Future Land Use Element 62 <br />
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