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7/14/2016 11:25:01 AM
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7/14/2016 11:13:52 AM
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Inwater Research Group Marine Conservation
Sea Turtle Education Grant
Florida Traveling Turtles
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i <br /> Application <br /> Please email back to rmott(o) no later than June 24th, 5pm <br /> I <br /> Organization Name Indian River Sea Turtle Program (IRC Habitat Conservation Plan) <br /> Address 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach 32960 <br /> Cope - HCP Coordinator <br /> Kendra Co <br /> Contact Name P <br /> i <br /> Contact Phone 772-538-0616 Contact Email <br /> Organization's mission: <br /> Our HCP is specific to improving nesting habitat for sea turtles. "When fully implemented <br /> the HCP will increase productivity of the County's beaches". Staff have decided one of <br /> the most important ways of accomplishing this goal is through education of public young and old. <br /> Number of education staff 1 staff (myself) and up to 15 volunteers <br /> School'district(s) you plan to reach with this program: <br /> Indian River County <br /> public and private schools <br /> 1. Why do you believe this program will benefit both your organization and your surrounding <br /> schools? <br /> Indian River County(IRC)is located in the middle of the most productive loggerhead nesting beach area in the U.S. <br /> and Western Hemisphere. All residents of IRC live only up to 15 minutes from a beach no matter where their home <br /> may be, yet many to not know any of the ecological treasures this place has to offer. Our beaches are beginning to <br /> be over developed, surrounded by lights and buried in trash. The county has eight title one schools and during their <br /> 3rd and 4th grade years students form these schools and others make visits to the Environmental Learning Center to <br /> discover the IR Lagoon, but nothing is planned for 5th grade students to help expand their coastal education. Before <br /> the 15/16 school year only 2 schools openly reported adding sea turtle information in their curriculum, organized <br /> beach clean ups or made other conservation efforts with their 5th grade students. Everyone knows that children are <br /> some of the most influential people in the world and still have passion and a drive to make their surrounding area <br /> better. If 5th graders were offered a hands on opportunity to learn more about their coastal environment and the <br /> keystone species that utilize it, like sea turtles, then they would be the ones with the energy to improve conservation <br /> efforts for the future. One of the ways the county began making efforts to biologically improve their coastline is <br /> though the implementation of the Habitat Conservation Plan, specifically designed to improve nesting habitat for sea <br /> turtles. The HCP was implemented in 2005 and in 2015 the HCP coordinator expanded the management program to <br /> include education and public outreach using multiple venues. If accepted for the traveling trunk program the county <br /> will be able to enhance its education program which is full of volunteers eager to help inform the public of the human <br /> impacts sea turtle face and ways they can get involved in local conservation. <br />
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