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2. Provide authority for the mobilization and deployment of all <br /> resources to which the plans refer, pursuant to Section <br /> 252.31-60, Florida Statutes, or any other provision of law <br /> relating to emergencies. <br /> D. PRELIMINARY FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL DAMAGE <br /> ASSESSMENT <br /> Once the state has received the preliminary incident damage <br /> assessment and data information, the state and FEMA will initiate a <br /> joint damage assessment with the affected county government. The <br /> action is taken to verify the severity of the impact and justify the need <br /> to pursue a request for federal assistance. <br /> If a joint damage assessment step is initiated, to expedite this <br /> process, local jurisdictions should provide the appropriate <br /> transportation. The more expeditiously the data can be collected, the <br /> quicker a potential disaster declaration can be obtained. <br /> E. REQUEST FOR PRESIDENTIAL DISASTER DECLARATION <br /> When state and local resources are inadequate to effectively respond <br /> to an emergency or major disaster, Public Law 100-707 allows for <br /> federal assistance through a Presidential Disaster Declaration. This <br /> assistance is requested by the Governor if the situation meets the <br /> criteria for a declaration. The Governor submits a written request to <br /> the President through FEMA, Region IV, in Atlanta. If FEMA develops <br /> information to supplement the Governor's request, this is sent to the <br /> President who determines the final disposition. The disposition of the <br /> request is transmitted through FEMA Region IV back to the Governor. <br /> Indian River County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Annex III - Page 4 <br />