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E' <br />Attorney Reynolds advised that Commissioner Scurlock, as an <br />individual, can discuss it as any individual can in this meeting. <br />Commissioner Eggert understood then that theoretically he <br />should leave here and go out into the audience and talk to us from <br />the microphone, and Mr. Reynolds responded that, theoretically, <br />that is correct. <br />Commissioner Scurlock understood that he would excuse himself <br />from voting, withdraw from the Board because of the conflict, go <br />out into the audience and address the Board as Doug Scurlock, <br />individual. <br />Attorney Collins concurred with Attorney Reynolds as he felt <br />there is a clear possibility of a conflict if Mr. Scurlock was to <br />vote on the proposed settlement. He also felt that since Mr_ <br />Scurlock has some individual potential liability, he should have <br />his attorney present. He assumed that Mr. Scurlock notified his <br />attorney of the possibility of a meeting this morning. <br />Attorney Reynolds repeated that at mediation, the Scurlock <br />matter was left to its own separate area, and he felt it is in the <br />best interest of the Board to resolve everything at once, but not <br />necessarily everything hinged. In essence, we can agree to send the <br />letter, let Guettler out and us walk, as one vote, but have a <br />separate vote to recommend that we settle to walk away from Doug <br />Scurlock, individually, and he walk away from us. That is only a <br />proposal that Mr. Scurlock would then take to his attorney in his <br />individual capacity. It would not be binding on us here today. <br />Chairman Eggert understood then that if we followed through <br />and accepted this and each pay our own attorneys' fees, Mr. <br />Scurlock can take that away and come back at another public meeting <br />and say that he doesn't agree with that exactly. <br />Attorney Reynolds stated that is correct. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt he would like to be heard on it in <br />some format. <br />W <br />J U N 2 9 1992 <br />