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ORDINANCE 2016- 009 <br />(d) Days and hours: Special events and re -occurring (regular) market sales activity shall be <br />limited to three (3) days per week, eight (8) hours per day, and shall be conducted during day <br />light hours only. <br />(1) Sales activity shall not occur between 8 pm and 8 am. Set-up and take-down activity <br />shall not occur between 9 pm and 7 am. <br />(2) Regular, re -occurring market events may be approved as specified in a temporary use <br />permit (TUP) approval letter. A TUP application may be re-newed upon re- <br />application and a finding of compliance with TUP regulations and any condition(s) <br />attached to the previous TUP approval. <br />(d) Traffic control, parking and security: Adequate traffic circulation, traffic control, vendor and <br />customer parking, pedestrian access, lighting, and security measures shall be provided as <br />required by Planning, Traffic Engineering, and the Sheriff's Office. <br />(e) Sanitary facilities and solid waste (including recycling): Sanitary facilities and management <br />of solid waste shall be provided as required by the Health Department and Solid Waste. <br />(f) Vendors: Subject to Building, Fire Prevention, and Health Department approval, vendor set- <br />ups may include food trucks, tables, canopies, tents and similar structures, as shown on an <br />approved temporary use permit (TUP) site plan sketch. <br />(1) Prior to any sales activity conducted by an individual vendor at a market or special <br />event, the individual vendor shall: <br />a. Obtain written authorization (includes email) from the market applicant/sponsor <br />for a vending spot and shall provide documentation of authorization upon request. <br />b. Obtain any license or approval required by the Health Department, and shall provide <br />documentation of compliance with any such requirement upon request. <br />(g) Applicant: The farmers market applicant shall provide authorization from the site owner and <br />shall ensure timely site clean-up after each weekly event. <br />(1) An applicant may include a letter of support from a Gifford community not-for-profit <br />group. <br />(2) Sites shall be cleaned -up within 48 hours of each weekly event. To incentivize prompt <br />site clean-up, the applicant shall post a refundable $25 clean-up deposit with the <br />county. <br />(3) The applicant shall provide the name and contact information for the person(s) <br />responsible for managing the market or special event and shall notify the community <br />development department of any change in the manager or contact information. <br />(4) The community development director may terminate a farmers market temporary use <br />permit based upon a determination that the market fails to sustain adequate activity <br />with respect to one or more of the following: lack of multiple vendors, insufficient <br />hours open to the public, lack of frequent or consistent hours open to the public. <br />C:\Users\mpursel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Onllook\69BOW7MD\2016- 972(giffordmarket)Final2 <br />for9-20BCC.docx <br />