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Page 4 of 7 <br />Fellsmere Road Maintenance Workshop <br />For June 27, 2016 <br />Option 2: Grading of certain unpaved roads not currently maintained by the County. <br />Grade certain unpaved roads located in the unincorporated area of Fellsmere that meet an established <br />percentage of developed lots without additional funding for maintenance regardless of <br />approval/consent of all adjacent property owners where stormwater runoff is directed to the adjacent <br />properties and where the unpaved road is located outside of the FWCD drainage right-of-way. Staff <br />recommends a percentage of 66 2/3% in keeping with the current percentage established for other <br />programs for road paving and petition millings programs. There will be an additional cost for material to <br />bring the roadway up to minimum standards and the cost for obtaining those portions of the roadway <br />located outside 6f the right-of-way. Depending upon the number of roads that meet this criteria, this <br />option could be implemented without the immediate need to add a grader route. At some point, as <br />more roads are added to the grading schedule, the additional grader route would need to be <br />established. The timing of this change would depend upon the pace of development of the general <br />area. To ensure public safety, the application of the FDOT Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for <br />Design, Construction, and Maintenance for Streets and Highways (Green Book Standards) to all <br />roadways that are currently not maintained by the County will be necessary. <br />Option 3: Create a Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) or Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU) <br />for all properties on unpaved roads within the Fellsmere area: <br />• Create MSTU boundary area and establish the number of participating properties. <br />• Public Works staff shall evaluate all unpaved roads to compile an estimated cost to improve the <br />unpaved roads to acceptable public safety and maintenance levels per Florida Green Book <br />Standards. This includes analysis and permitting to direct stormwater runoff into the FWCD <br />ditch system rather than onto private property for the roadways that are not currently <br />maintained by the County. <br />• Perform survey on all unpaved roads to establish the actual location of the existing unpaved <br />roads with respect to the available FWCD drainage right-of-way. <br />• Obtain right-of-way from each property owner for all sections of existing unpaved roadways <br />that are outside of the FWCD right-of-way and that are not currently maintained by the County. <br />• File maintenance maps for all sections of existing unpaved roadways that are outside of the <br />FWCD right-of-way that are currently maintained by the County for the minimum statutory <br />period. <br />• Obtain authority from each property owner to direct stormwater runoff from the unpaved <br />roadway onto private property. <br />• This option will require the addition of another grader, equipment operator, material, and <br />equipment operating costs which are approximately $165,626.00 for the first year plus the cost <br />of material to improve the unpaved roadways to Florida Green Book Standards and the cost of <br />obtaining any necessary right-of-way. The cost for additional material on roadways that are not <br />currently maintained by the County will depend on the Fellsmere Water Control Districts policy <br />for directing the stormwater runoff into the FWCD ditches rather than onto private property. <br />• To ensure public safety, the application of the FDOT Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for <br />Design, Construction, and Maintenance for Streets and Highways (Green Book Standards) to all <br />roadways that are currently not maintained by the County will be necessary. <br />C:\thets%tsrpytka\Ucsktop\Fcllsrncic Watcr Cnnuul I)isitio Rrwtdways;fellsmerc Ilnpaved Road Maintenance Agenda tut June 27, 2016.doc <br />4 <br />