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• <br />The following graph illustrates the breakdown of expenditures by agency in the General Fund. <br />should be noted that State Mandates and Constitutional Officers account for about 73.7% of the total <br />nd expenditures. BCC departments represent 19.6% of the total General Fund budget. Constitutional <br />Officers' budgets represent 63.7% of the total budget. <br />The countywide tax roll has increased 6.2% from last year. New construction added 1.6% while existing <br />values increased 4.6%. The millage rate to fund the recommended General Fund budget is 3.3602, <br />which is the same millage levied last fiscal year. This provides additional revenue of approximately $2.8 <br />million for the General Fund. BCC budgets are down slightly (0.9%) while Constitutional Officers have <br />increased by 4.4%. <br />The Clerk of the Circuit Court is requesting a $67,298 increase or 7.30% over the previous fiscal year <br />budget. This budget increase reflects the cost of rising health insurance, increases in overhead, a <br />modest raise for employees, increased operating and maintenance costs, a reallocation of positions, and <br />a reorganization in the Clerk to the Board department. <br />The Sheriffs Office has requested an overall increase of $2.2 million or 5.1 % from the current year. <br />Initially, the Sheriff's Office request was considerably higher. However, the Sheriff has agreed to reduce <br />his request in a cooperative effort to help assist staff in achieving millage neutral General Fund and <br />Unincorporated Area MSTU budgets. <br />In addition, .$643,034 in Optional Sales Tax was used to fund replacement vehicles in the Sheriff's <br />2016/17 budget request to further minimize the impact on the ad valorem tax supported funds. <br />9 <br />