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Last modified
1/8/2018 4:28:06 PM
Creation date
10/14/2016 1:41:44 PM
Resolution Number
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Agenda Item Number
Resolution Type
Cancel Taxes
Entity Name
Three Dogs & A Horse
Audrey Graves Sexton
Cancel Taxes Right of Way
Oslo Road & 66th Ave.
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BK: 2798 PG: 533 <br />Resolution no. 2014-101 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />Two strips of land for road right of way purchase situated in part of the West 20.86 acres of Tract <br />13 of Section 20, Township 33 South, Range 39 East, Indian River County, Florida, being <br />described as follows: <br />The East 23.00 feet of the West 68.00 feet of the following described parcel: <br />The West 20.86 acres of Tract 13, except the East 60 feet thereof, Section 20, Township 33 <br />South, Range 39 East, according to the last general plat of lands of the Indian River Farms <br />Company Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 25, Public Records of St. Lucie County, <br />Florida, less and except the West 45.00 feet thereof and less and except the South 130.00 feet <br />thereof, said land now lying and being in Indian River County, Florida; <br />and <br />The North 70.00 feet of the South 130.00 feet of the following described parcel: <br />The West 20.86 acres of Tract 13, except the East 60 feet thereof, Section 20, Township 33 <br />South, Range 39 East, according to the last general plat of lands of the Indian River Farms <br />Company Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 25, Public Records of St. Lucie County, <br />Florida, less and except the West 45.00 feet thereof, said land now lying and being in Indian <br />River County, Florida; <br />The side lines of the above described roadway right of way segments to be shortened or <br />prolonged to meet at angle points, right of way lines and boundary lines. <br />The above described road right of way containing 68,015.20 S.F. <br />and <br />A triangular parcel of land (corner clip) for road right of way dedication situated at the Northeast <br />intersection of 66`h Avenue/C.R. 615 and 9`h Street SW/Oslo Road/C.R. 606, being a part of the <br />West 20.86 acres of Tract 13, Section 20, Township 33 South, Range 39 East, according to the <br />last general plat of lands of the Indian River Farms Company Subdivision recorded in Plat Book <br />2, Page 25, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida, said land now lying and being in Indian <br />River County, Florida, being more particularly described as beginning at the point of intersection <br />of the North line of the South 130.00 feet and the East line of the West 68.00 feet of said West <br />20.86 acres, run North 00°16'08" East and parallel with the West line of said Section 20 and <br />West line of Tract 13, a distance of 40.00 feet; thence run South 44036'50" East through <br />aforesaid 20.86 acre parcel, a distance of 56.68 feet to a point on the aforesaid North line of the <br />South 130.00 feet, said point being South 89029'49" East 40.00 feet from the point of beginning; <br />thence run North 89°2949" West and parallel with the South line of said Section 20 and South <br />line of Tract 13, a distance of 40.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br />The above described road right of way comer clip containing 800.00 S.F. <br />
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