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ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously (3-0, <br />Commissioner Bird being absent) scheduled a public <br />hearing for August 4, 1992, at 9:05 o'clock A.M. <br />to consider adoption of an ordinance amending <br />Section 401.04, Fire Prevention Codes. <br />G. Easement for Courthouse Parking Lot Utilities <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 6/25/92: <br />TO: BOARD -OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />e2eo,s�96v, <br />FROM: Charles P. Vitunac, County Attorney <br />DATE: June 25, 1992 <br />RE: EASEMENT FOR COURTHOUSE PARKING LOT UTMITIES <br />The City of Vero Beach has abandoned the alleyway which lies in the <br />middle of the block on which the courthouse parking lot will be <br />constructed and has requested that the County give back to the City <br />an easement for underground water and wastewater facilities much as <br />was done with the construction of the main library. <br />Accordingly, our office has prepared the attached easement and <br />recommends that the Board authorize the Chairman to execute it. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously (3-0, <br />Commissioner Bird being absent) approved the <br />easement to the City of Vero Beach and authorized <br />the Chairman's signature, as recommended by staff. <br />JUL 14 1992 <br />F,� " L ji° <br />