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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final September 13, 2016 <br /> Construction. <br /> Attachments: Staff Report-Barth Construction Extension <br /> Barth 1 st Extension of Contract <br /> Signed Master Agreement 8-16-11 <br /> Commissioner Zorc advocated for new fire station construction projects to be <br /> reviewed by the Public Works Department. <br /> A lengthy discussion followed among the Commissioners, Director of Emergency <br /> Services John King, and Administrator Brown. <br /> A motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher, seconded by Chairman Solari, to <br /> authorize a one(1) year extension to the Master Design/Build Agreement with Barth <br /> Construction for the renovation and construction of Emergency Services Fire Rescue <br /> Stations. <br /> An amendment to the motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher, seconded by <br /> Chairman Solari, to include direction to the Emergency Services Department and <br /> County Administrator, to review with the Public Works Department future Fire Station <br /> construction plans to ascertain whether there are any cost-savings measures that <br /> would not compromise the health, safety, and welfare of the emergency services <br /> personnel or the public. The amended motion carried by the following vote: <br /> Aye: 4- Chairman Solari, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Davis, and Commissioner <br /> Zo rc <br /> Absent: 1 - Commissioner O'Bryan <br /> 3. 16-655 Approval of FY 2016/17 EMS County Awards Grant: Purchase of <br /> Capital/Operating Equipment Using Non-Matching EMS Grant Funds and Grant <br /> Resolution <br /> Recommended Action: Approve FY 2016/17 EMS Grant and resolution to purchase equipment and <br /> services. <br /> Attachments: Staff Report-EMS County Awards Grant <br /> EMS CTY Awards Grant Form <br /> EMS County Grant Application <br /> EMS CTY AWARDS GRANT RESOLUTION 2016 <br /> A motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher, seconded by Commissioner Davis, <br /> to: (1) approve Resolution 2016-001 ESD, of the Emergency Services District Board of <br /> Commissioners, authorizing the Application for Funding County Emergency Medical <br /> Services (EMS) Grant Awards to be submitted to the State of Florida Department of <br /> Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services; (2) authorize the Chairman to execute <br /> the necessary documents to obtain funds from the Department of Health in the <br /> amount of$21,867.00; (3) authorize budget amendments, as required, to receive and <br /> expend the grant funds; and (4) authorize staff to establish a unique accounting code <br /> designator for all County Awards Grant deposits, disbursements, interests accrual <br /> and rollover of funds, as they are required to be be maintained in a separate fund or <br /> account for <br /> Indian River County Florida Page 14 <br />