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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes-Final September 13,2016 <br /> Chairman to execute said agreement after receipt and approval of the required <br /> Public Construction Bond and Certificate of Insurance and after the County <br /> Attorney has approved the agreement as to form and legal sufficiency. <br /> Attachments: Staff Report <br /> Sample Agreement <br /> Commissioner Zorc sought and received information on the potential of utilizing <br /> the South County Park General Use Field for additional recreational venues. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Zorc,seconded by Vice Chairman Flescher,to <br /> approve staffs recommendation. The motion carried by the following vote: <br /> Aye: 5- Chairman Solari, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Davis, Commissioner <br /> O'Bryan, and Commissioner Zorc <br /> M. 16-664 Approval of Award for Bid 2017003 -Annual Bid for Instrument Control <br /> Technician for Water and Wastewater Utilities <br /> Recommended Action: Staff recommends the Board award Bid 2017003 to the lowest responsive and <br /> responsible bidder, SCADA Solutions, LLC, and authorize the Purchasing Division <br /> to issue blanket purchase orders for the period of October 1, 2016 through <br /> September 30, 2017 to the recommended bidder. Staff also recommends the Board <br /> authorize the Purchasing Manager to renew this bid for two additional one-year <br /> periods subject to satisfactory performance,vendor acceptance, and the <br /> determination that renewal of this annual bid is in the best interest of Indian River <br /> County. <br /> Attachments: Staff Report <br /> Approved staffs recommendation. <br /> N. 16-661 Approval of Award for Bid 2017004-Annual Bid for Sulfuric Acid <br /> Recommended Action: Staff recommends the Board award Bid 2017004 to the lowest responsive and <br /> responsible bidder, Shrieve Chemical Company, and authorize the Purchasing <br /> Division to issue blanket purchase orders for the period of October 1, 2016 through <br /> September 30,2017 to the recommended bidder, after receipt and approval of <br /> required insurance by Risk Management. Staff also recommends the Board <br /> authorize the Purchasing Manager to renew this bid for two additional one-year <br /> periods subject to satisfactory performance, vendor acceptance, and the <br /> determination that renewal of this annual bid is in the best interest of Indian River <br /> County. <br /> Attachments: Staff Report <br /> Approved staffs recommendation. <br /> O. 16-679 Miscellaneous Budget Amendment 025 <br /> Recommended Action: Staff recommends that the Board of Commissioners approve the attached budget resolution <br /> amending the fiscal year 2015/2016 budget. <br /> Indian River County Florida Page 7 <br />