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Jan. 16. 2 }14,. w3: 6. _ ,1cP-Tpa 1136214611/6218484vo ice -6 -,NO' 7 933/, LYi-1-s27 <br />MAL WAIVER AND RELEASE OF Lw <br />The underaigned lienor, in consideration of the fugal payment in the amount of $ 9,701,1 <br />hereby waives and releases its lien and right to claim alien for labor, services or materials <br />furnialud to Ranr+r Conetrucion Industries, Inc. on the jab of Y, nen silver County <br />Board -of Coudy Commissioners to the following described property: <br />CR 512 Resurfacing Project <br />EB Only Roseland Road to Easy Street <br />Indian River County <br />Lienors Name; -Traffic Control Products of Florida <br />By.a�- <br />STATE OF C{}MY OF <br />DIXIE 0 LEE iNotary Signature: b6"ffd c " - U <br />MY COMMiSS" S EE1aea90 printed Notary Name: I, <br />sxPomj&wmyiY.2oie Notary Public Commission Number: fff // <br />NOTp.• This is o dfiW*** farm prescribed be seulon 713.20, Florida St ns (1996). Exec ire October 1, IM, v <br />pe"ON my nottretlld e a Lienor io fiviltrh a waiver of Weast of ikn trade dprsnrj�*m rh staluimfora <br />SmeadSoft Reprint Date: Wednesday, December 14,2016 - 11:52:46 - BCC:1826 Attachment Id 1, Page 34 <br />