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PROCLAMATION 'D <br />DESIGNATING OCTOBER, 2016, AS <br />MANUFACTURING MONTH IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />WHEREAS, the manufacturing industry is vital to the health of our County, the State of Florida, and our <br />nation; and <br />WHEREAS, manufacturing is a cornerstone of our local economy, helping to sustain our quality of life <br />as well as a solid and diversified tax base in Indian River County; and <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County, in partnership with the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce, <br />supports manufacturing and manufacturing careers; and <br />WHEREAS, manufacturing provides over 1,800 high -wage and high -skill jobs in Indian River County, <br />paying an average annual wage of $46,384; and <br />WHEREAS, our county is home to 139 manufacturers that produce a wide variety of products, from <br />personal aircraft to personal submersibles, sold to customers around the world; and <br />WHEREAS, public awareness of the value manufacturers add to our economy is essential to the <br />maintenance of good community -industry relationships; and <br />WHEREAS, all residents are encouraged to take time to salute Indian River County manufacturers, and <br />their employees, for the positive economic impact they make in our county, the State, and our nation <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA that the month of October, 2016, be designated as MANUFACTURING <br />MONTH IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. <br />Adopted this 411 day of October, 2016. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />go—b Solari, Chairman <br />J eph E. Flescher, Vice -Chairman <br />Wesley S. Davis ` <br />�s- <br />c�. <br />Tim Zom_ <br />4 <br />