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RESOLUTION NO. 2015- oio <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, <br />FLORIDA, ELECTING TO USE THE UNIFORM METHOD <br />FOR THE LEVY, COLLECTION, AND ENFORCEMENT OF <br />NON AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO <br />FLORIDA STATUTE 197.3632 TO RECOVER THE COSTS <br />OF STREET LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE IN THE <br />OCEANSIDE REPLAT SUBDIVISION AREA. <br />WHEREAS, Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County is <br />considering imposition of non ad valorem assessments to pay for the cost of installation <br />and maintenance of street lights in the Oceanside Replat subdivision area; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County has <br />enacted a Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) ordinance to provide for street lights <br />in certain districts in the unincorporated areas of the County; and <br />WHEREAS, that ordinance authorizes the levy and collection of special <br />assessments in a uniform manner for those MSBU expenditures which are determined <br />to provide a reasonably uniform special benefit to all properties within the benefit unit <br />against which such special assessments are made; and further provides for the <br />assessments to be levied in the same manner as taxes; and further provides for the <br />assessment, levy, collection, remittance and accounting for said assessments at the <br />same time and manner as taxes to the general fund; and <br />WHEREAS, Florida Statute §197.3632(3)(x) requires the Board of County <br />Commissioners to adopt a resolution at a public hearing clearly stating its intent to use <br />the uniform method of collecting such assessment; stating the need for the levy; and <br />including a legal description of the boundaries of the property; and requiring that the <br />local governing board shall send a copy of the resolution by United States Mail to the <br />1 <br />