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3/13/2017 2:16:44 PM
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1/9/2017 2:01:26 PM
Official Documents
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America Security Council Foundation
Gary James
Holman Stadium Use Agreement
Step up America Hero's Appreciation Festival
Holman Stadium
Alternate Name
Camp Dresser & McKee
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and the County shall contain an indemnity from the user group to the County and <br />Verotown for the costs of any damage or destruction to the Stadium or liabilities <br />associated with personal injury or death that occurs in connection with the use of the <br />Stadium by the user group. <br />E. Alcohol: <br />Unless specifically prohibited by the County, the sale and consumption of alcoholic <br />beverages shall be permitted during the event, subject to the following restrictions. <br />(1) such sale and consumption shall be in accordance with (i) any applicable <br />requirements of the City of Vero Beach relating to the sale, possession or <br />consumption of alcohol on public property, (ii) any requirements of the County <br />determined necessary or appropriate to protect the health, safety and welfare of the <br />residents of the County, and (iii) any other requirements of state or federal law, and <br />(2) such sale shall be conducted by, and under the license of, Verotown <br />F. Facility Use Costs: <br />User group is responsible for any and all expenses associated with the use of the <br />Stadium, including costs imposed by Verotown for use, including, but not limited to, <br />parking attendants, ticket takers, security personnel, clean-up crews, concession <br />operations, and utilities, all as set forth in Attachment 1. Verotown may consent to <br />allow the User Group to procure the aforementioned services directly. <br />G. Security Deposit: <br />User group shall post a security deposit in the amount of a minimum of Ten <br />Thousand Dollars ($10,000) in the form of cash, or a certified or cashier's check <br />drawn on any United States bank, irrevocable direct pay letter of credit, or surety <br />bond issued by a surety licensed to issue surety bonds in Florida and included in the <br />most recent United States Department of the Treasury List of Acceptable Sureties, <br />each of the foregoing payable to Indian River County to be held by the County, and <br />in the case of an irrevocable direct pay letter of credit or surety bond, in form and <br />substance acceptable to the County The County reserves the right to increase the <br />amount of the required security deposit due to the nature of the event, and the <br />County shall notify the User group during the review process set forth in paragraph <br />K2 of the Guidelines of any additional amount of security deposit. The User Group <br />shall deliver the security deposit to the County Office of Management & Budget no <br />later than ten (10) business days prior to the event date and, if applicable, execute a <br />cash escrow agreement between the County and the User Group, in form and <br />substance acceptable to the County, at the time the security deposit is tendered. <br />H. Facility Preparation and Cleanup: <br />Verotown is responsible for all costs associated with the Stadium cleanup. User <br />Group is responsible for field restoration as set forth in Attachment 1 Verotown <br />must approve cleanup and restoration. If the user group should fail to restore the <br />Stadium facility and grounds, Verotown will have the authority to initiate cleanup and <br />restoration, and any additional costs will be the sole responsibility of the user group, <br />
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