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C04-6 Back up <br />AMERICAN DRILLING SERVICES, INC. <br />405 SW 2ND STREET <br />OKEECHOBEE, FL. 34974 <br />(863) 763-3221 <br />July 9, 2014 <br />Dear Keith, <br />Thank you for allowing me to bid on your 6" wells for the storm water treatment facility <br />in Vero. I don't know what a good 6" well will produce in that area so I suggest that we <br />start with one. If we need additional wells we can add them. I would like to try a 6" well <br />with an extra long screen to achieve maximum volume. This bid does not include tie in. <br />We appreciate the opportunity to do business with you and we hope that call on us to <br />serve all of your water needs. <br />Sincerely, <br />Frank DeCarlo <br />Bid Goes As Follows; <br />1.) Assist with obtaining or modifying the water use permit from St. John's Water <br />Management District....$500.00 <br />2.) Obtain the well construction permit from the Health Department...$250.00 <br />3.) Drill a 6" PVC well approximately 100' deep with 40' of .030 slot <br />screen...$5,000.00 <br />4.) Install a test pump on the well and perform the draw down and recovery <br />test... $2,500.00 <br />5.) File a completion report with St. John's Water Management District <br />6.) Send performance results and well specs to you to review for recommendations <br />Total Price $8,250.00 <br />*Add $5,000.00 for each additional 6" well <br />If you would like us to handle the tie in, I will need to know more information on the well <br />placement before I could give you a quote. Each well will require a foot valve, well seal, <br />drop pipe and distances from the well to the pump will be needed. <br />NOTE: THE ABOVE PRICE IS INCLUDED IN <br />THE TOTAL PRICE SHOWN ON PAGE 2 OF <br />THE JULY 23, 2014 LETTER BELOW. <br />