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`‘V //z <br />i a,T 2 <br />•20 /..1? _ /7o <br />INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT <br />DAVIS STREET SEWER MAIN AND LIFT STATION <br />THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT entered into on this 2nd day of <br />nc-rnher , 2012 between Indian River County, a political subdivision of the <br />State of Florida, whose address is 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />("County"), and the City of Sebastian, a municipal corporation, whose address is 1225 <br />Main Street, Sebastian, Florida 32958 ("City") do hereby agree as follows: <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, the County is the water and wastewater provider to homes and <br />businesses within the city limits of the City of Sebastian, and <br />WHEREAS, the County with the City's consent, expands its water and <br />wastewater services in order to serve more residents and businesses within the city <br />limits; and <br />WHEREAS, the County and City jointly agree that expansion of infrastructure is a <br />form of economic development because private costs to develop infrastructure can be <br />lowered, thereby leading to potential new business investment, and <br />WHEREAS, in order to lower the public cost of providing economic development <br />incentives, the County and City will partner in order to expand infrastructure on Davis <br />Street, which is located in the Riverfront Business District of Sebastian, Florida; and <br />WHEREAS, the County will extend a wastewater gravity sewer main along Davis <br />Street between U.S. Highway 1 and Indian River Drive; and <br />WHEREAS, the County will also construct a wastewater lift station at the <br />northwest corner of Davis Street and Indian River Drive; and <br />WHEREAS, the parties recognize the mutual benefits that will be provided to <br />each other pursuant to this agreement. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings herein and <br />other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby <br />acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein. <br />1 <br />