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CB&I will provide As -Built drawings and a completed As -Built Certification Form to the USACE. <br />The cost to develop the project completion report and develop project certification is $5,158 A <br />breakdown of the hours and expenses to develop these costs is attached and follow the terms of <br />CB&I's agreement with Indian River County. <br />Task 7: Check Surveys <br />It is recommended that the County conduct surveys at each of the FDEP monuments to check the <br />accuracy of the Contractor's surveys. This will be a separate Notice to Proceed Item, as the County will <br />likely have Morgan & Eklund perform the work. However, if Morgan & Eklund perform the more closely <br />spaced post -construction pay lines for the Contractor, then CB&I can perform this independent check <br />for the County The surveys will extend out to wading depth to fulfill the FDEP survey requirements <br />CB&I will provide the County with a survey report performed to FDEP standards, which will also include <br />cross-sections showing the pre and post -construction profiles and the permitted template <br />The cost to perform and document check surveys is $11,646 A breakdown of the hours and expenses <br />to develop these costs is attached and follow the terms of CB&I's agreement with Indian River County. <br />Cost <br />The cost to provide construction phase services for Tasks 1 through 7 is $57,319 on a lump sum basis <br />A breakdown of the hours and expenses to develop these costs is attached All work will be performed <br />in accordance with the provisions of the Professional Coastal Engineering Services Agreement, dated <br />March 19, 2013, between Indian River County and Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc , n/k/a CB&I <br />Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc <br />Timeline <br />Various tasks will be completed as discussed throughout the scope. A fixed timeline cannot be <br />provided because it is unclear when how the Contractor's construction schedule will be structured <br />CB&I will attempt to execute each phase of the work in as expeditious a manner as possible <br />We appreciate the opportunity to work with Indian River County on this effort and recognize the <br />importance of restoring the Sector 3 dune for the protection of upland property <br />Please call me if you have any questions <br />Sincerely, <br />Gordon Thomson, P.E , D CE <br />Director <br />CB&I Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc <br />