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DEPARTMENT letter rejecting the proposal to submit a revised proposed CAP. Failure to <br />obtain the DEPARTMENT approval of a CAP as specified above shall result in the <br />DEPARTMENT'S termination of this Agreement for cause as authorized in this Agreement. <br />B. Upon the DEPARTMENT'S notice of acceptance of a proposed CAP, the LOCAL SPONSOR <br />shall have ten (10) calendar days to commence implementation of the accepted plan. <br />Acceptance of the proposed CAP by the DEPARTMENT does not relieve the LOCAL <br />SPONSOR of any of its obligations under the Agreement. In the event the CAP fails to correct <br />or eliminate performance deficiencies by LOCAL SPONSOR, the DEPARTMENT shall <br />retain the right to require additional or further remedial steps, or to terminate this Agreement <br />for failure to perform. No actions approved by the DEPARTMENT or steps taken by the <br />LOCAL SPONSOR shall preclude the DEPARTMENT from subsequently asserting any <br />deficiencies in performance. The LOCAL SPONSOR shall continue to implement the CAP <br />until all deficiencies are corrected. Reports on the progress of the CAP will be made to the <br />DEPARTMENT as requested by the Department Grant Manager. <br />C. Failure to respond to the DEPARTMENT's request for a CAP or failure to correct a deficiency <br />in the performance of the LOCAL SPONSOR as specified by the DEPARTMENT may result <br />in termination of this Agreement. <br />The remedies set forth above are not exclusive and the DEPARTMENT reserves the right to exercise <br />other remedies in addition to or in lieu of those set forth above, as permitted by this Agreement. <br />22. Any notices between the parties shall be considered delivered by email, overnight courier or delivered <br />in person to the contact person at the addresses below. <br />LOCAL SPONSOR <br />James Gray <br />Indian River County <br />Indian River County Public Works, 1801 27th Street, <br />Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />772-226-1344 <br />jgray(c� <br />DEPARTMENT <br />Dena VanLandingham, Grant Program Administrator <br />Department of Environmental Protection <br />Beach Management Funding Assistance Program <br />2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3554 <br />Tallahassee, Florida 32399 <br />(850) 245-7692 <br /> <br />Any changes to the contact information shown above or in paragraph 24 must be reduced to writing in <br />the form of an email notification. <br />23. The LOCAL SPONSOR's Project Manager for all matters is James Gray, Phone: (772) 226-1344. The <br />DEPARTMENT's Project Manager for all technical matters is Catherine Florko, Phone: (850) 245- <br />7688 and the DEPARTMENT's Grant Program Administrator for all administrative matters is Dena <br />VanLandingham, Phone: (850) 245-7692. <br />DEP Agreement No. 14IR3, Page 5 of 11 <br />