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KENNEL OR ANIMAL BOARDING PLACE COMMERCIAL. Any lot or premises on <br />which dogs, cats, rabbits, Poultry or other domestic animals are <br />housed or accepted for boarding, trimming, grooming, and/or bathing <br />for which remuneration is received. <br />KENNEL OR ANIMAL BOARDING PLACE NON-COMMERCIAL. Any building or <br />uildings, including a residence or residentia accessory structure, <br />other structure, or land used, designated, or arranged for the board- <br />ing, breeding, or care of five (5) or more dogs, cats, rabbits, <br />poultry or other domestic animals belonging to the owner or occupant <br />thereof. This shall not be interpreted to include stables as used <br />elsewhere in this Ordinance (Cross reference: §25.1 A7). <br />LOADING G SPACE. A space within the main building or on the same lot, <br />providing for the standing, loading or unloading of vehicles. <br />LOT. A designated parcel, tract or area of land established by plat, <br />subdivision, or as otherwise permitted by law, to be used, developed <br />or built upon as a unit. <br />LOT, CORNER. A lot fronting upon two or more rights-of-way at their <br />intersections. <br />LOT, DEPTH. The mean distance measured from the front lot line to the <br />rear lot line. <br />LOT, INTERIOR. A lot other than a corner lot. <br />LOT LINES. A line of record bounding a lot thereby dividing such lot <br />from another lot or from a public or private right-of-way. <br />LOTS OF RECORD. A lot which is part of a subdivision located within <br />Indian River County, the plat of which has been recorded in the office <br />of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County or St. Lucie <br />County (NOTE: Prior to its inception as a County, Indian -River County <br />was part of St. Lucie County and Brevard County, therefore, many <br />Indian River County lots of record were originally filed with the <br />Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Lucie County and Brevard County). <br />LOT, THROUGH. An interior lot having frontage on two streets. <br />LOT, WIDTH. The horizontal distance between side lot lines measured <br />at the front building setback line along a straight line parallel to <br />the front property line or chord line. <br />MAIN DUNE BLUFF. The seaward edge of the easternmost highest, most <br />prominent dune immediately west of the vegetation line. This dune can <br />be determined by its continuous relationship to the main dune line <br />extending north and south from the point of determination. <br />MARINA. A watercraft complex on and/or adjacent to a waterway used <br />primarily for recreation purposes, including the refueling of <br />watercraft and providing minor repair services for such craft, not <br />involving removal of watercraft from the water or removal of inboard <br />or outboard engines from the watercraft. A marina may provide <br />unwalled covered storage not involving the removal of craft from the <br />water. <br />A marina may include on -shore, as accessory service uses, a food <br />service establishment, laundry or sanitary facilities, marine related <br />convenience items, and other customary accessory facilities. A marina <br />does not include facilities for boat or motor rental, mechanical or <br />structural repair or boat hauling. The term marina shall not include. <br />a boat yard or boat livery. <br />MINING. The removal, either in or upon the soil of the earth or <br />beneath the soil, of any valuable inert or lifeless substance formed <br />or deposited in its present position through natural agencies alone, <br />as a commercial business. Mining shall not include digging for <br />foundations, fences, stormwater retention facilities, lakes, and <br />drainage facilities incidental to construction activities, wherein no <br />materials are removed from the premises except surplus not required <br />for backfill or grading. <br />-9- <br />