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Monitoring all landfill procedures including operations and litter control. <br />Monitoring ground water quality and surface water quality. <br />Monitoring landfill gas quality and migration for the entire landfill facility. <br />Monitoring landfill leachate quantity and quality and maintaining the leachate pump <br />station. <br />Monitoring utilization of landfill space and earth cover material. <br />1.14 Items Furnished by the Contractor <br />Contractor shall be fully responsible for all materials and equipment which he has furnished, and <br />shall furnish necessary replacements at any time prior to expiration of the Contract. <br />1.1.5 Lines and Grades <br />All Work shall be done to the lines, grades, and elevations indicated on the Drawings on the <br />Class I operating permit and operating permit submittals. The Class I operations permit consists <br />of the permit application, all addenda, and the attached Class I operations permit document. <br />Horizontal and vertical control alignment will be established per the permit plans or as <br />designated by the Engineer. These points shall be used as datum for the Work. <br />Contractor shall keep the County informed, a reasonable time in advance, of the times and places <br />at which he wishes to do Work, so that prior established horizontal and vertical control points <br />may be used for landfilling or construction as deemed necessary by County with minimum <br />inconvenience to County. <br />1.1.6 Unfavorable Construction Conditions <br />Solid waste disposal operations shall be performed under all weather conditions. <br />During unfavorable weather, wet ground, or other unsuitable construction conditions, the <br />Contractor shall confine his landfill site development operations to work which will not be <br />affected adversely by such conditions. No portion of the Work shall be constructed under <br />conditions which would affect adversely the quality or efficiency thereof, unless special means or <br />precautions are taken by Contractor, and accepted by the County's Solid Waste Disposal District <br />Director or Landfill Supervisor, to perform the Work in a proper and satisfactory manner. <br />1.1.7 Reference Standards <br />Reference to the standards of any technical society, organization, or association, or to codes of <br />local or state authorities, shall mean the latest standard code, specification, or tentative standard <br />adopted and published at the date of receipt of proposals, unless specifically stated otherwise. <br />1.1-2 <br />ep*.snN.uv7 <br />