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PROCLAMATION <br />HONORING JEANNE, BRESETT ON HER RETIREMENT FROM <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION <br />WHEREAS, Jeanne Bresett retired from Iridian River County Public Works Department effective <br />November 7, 2016, and <br />WHEREAS, Jeanne Bresett began her career with Indian River County as Clerk Typist in 1986 <br />with the Engineering Division. In 1987, site was promoted to Engineering Inspector II, being t/ne <br />first woman hired by the county for that position. In 1990, Jeanne was promoted to Traffic <br />Technician in the Trak Engineering Division and promoted in 1992, to Traffic <br />Coordinator/Analyst. While there, Jeanne served as the Interim Traffic Engineering Division <br />Manager twice during the absence of the County Traffic Engineer. Since 1995, she assisted the <br />County Traffic Engineer and Public Works Director with managing the Traffic Engineering <br />Division: and continued in that capacity until her retirement, and <br />WHEREAS, Jeanne Bresett created the name for Indian River Counly's "Treasure Shores" Beach <br />Park, in 1992, initiated the County's Adopt A -Roadway Program and was one of the first members <br />of the FDOT's Community Traffic Safety Team which aided the County in identifying, funding and <br />constructing safety improvements. Jeanne assisted with traffic control signage and pavement <br />marking design of numerous intersections, as well as roadway improvement projects. She worked <br />tirelessly, planning, designing, supervising, and implementing successful safe work zone traffic <br />controls in an effort to reduce the risk of injury to workers, citizens, and transportation system <br />users, with no incidents oil projects she managed, and <br />WHEREAS, Jeanne Bresett has served this County and the Public with distinction and selflessness. <br />During her thirty years of service, she was dedicated, and her work was greatly appreciated by her <br />employer, citizens, and co-workers alike; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board applauds Jeanne Bresett's efforts oil <br />behalf of the County, and the Board wishes to express their appreciation for the dedicated service <br />she has given to Indian: River County for the last thirty years; and <br />BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that the Board of County Commissioners and staff extend <br />heartfelt wishes for success in his future endeavors! <br />Adopted this 61h day of December 2016. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIANRIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Joseph E. Flescher, Chairman <br />