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Master Site Development Plan <br /> The County's Master Site Development Plan for Oyster Bar Marsh (Table 1) calls for a five foot <br /> wide interpretive shared use trail (impoundment berm), approximately 7,100 feet long, for hikers <br /> and bicyclists and an interior wildlife observation overlook. Also included is a boardwalk on the <br /> proposed trail which will provide access to the overlook from the impoundment berm (Figure 3) <br /> In order to provide maximum benefit to the local community, the Land Trust is proposing <br /> additional elements to the County's Master Site Development Plan. Most notably is the addition <br /> of a parking area, additional boardwalks required for access, and a pavilion overlooking the <br /> Lagoon. Table 1 lists the individual elements for development of the proposed <br /> recreational/educational improvements. <br /> As noted in the County's Master Site Plan, the impoundment berm should be maintained as a <br /> natural surface shared-use trail allowing hikers and bicyclists access along the Lagoon shoreline. <br /> No native trees or large shrubs will be removed to construct these facilities. Site-specific <br /> vegetative surveys will be conducted during design of the facilities to insure that no listed plant <br /> species are affected by the construction projects. <br /> 4 <br />