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Indian River County, Florida <br />Notes To Financial Statements <br />Year Ended September 30, 2016 <br />NOTE 1 — SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES — Continued <br />D. Assets, Liabilities, Deferred Outflows/Inflows of Resources and Net Position or Fund <br />Balances - Continued <br />8. Capitalization of Interest <br />Interest costs related to bond issues are capitalized during the construction period. These costs are <br />netted against applicable interest earnings on construction fund investments. During the current period, <br />the County did not have any capitalized interest. <br />9. Deferred Outflows/Inflows of Resources <br />In addition to assets, the statement of financial position will sometimes report a separate section for <br />deferred outflows of resources. Deferred outflows of resources represent a consumption of net position <br />that applies to a future period(s) and so will not be recognized as an outflow of resources <br />(expense/expenditure) until then. The County reports the deferred charge on refundings in the amount <br />of $1,693,977 in this category on the government -wide statement of net position. A deferred charge on <br />refundings results from the difference in the carrying value of refunded debt and its reacquisition price. <br />This amount is deferred and amortized over the shorter of the life of the refunded or refunding debt. <br />In addition to liabilities, the statement of financial position may report a separate section for deferred <br />inflows of resources. Deferred inflows of resources represent an acquisition of net position that applies <br />to a future period(s) and so will not be recognized as an inflow of resources (revenue) until that time. <br />The County has one item, unavailable revenue, which arises under the modified accrual basis of <br />accounting and is reported on the governmental funds balance sheet in the total amount of $3,658,464. <br />The sources of the unavailable revenue are a special assessments on road paving, ambulance service <br />billings, and state and federal grants. These amounts are deferred and recognized as an inflow of <br />resources in the period that the amounts become available. <br />In addition to the above two deferred items, there are deferred outflows and inflows items related to <br />pensions as calculated in accordance with GASB Statement 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting <br />for Pensions. These deferred outflows and inflows will be recognized as adjustments to pension <br />expense in future reporting years. <br />Detail on the composition of the deferred inflows and outflows related to pensions are further discussed <br />in Note 13. <br />57 <br />