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DEP vs. Indian River County <br />Consent Order, OGC No. 17-0072 <br />Page 7 <br />the Respondent in writing whether the extension is granted or denied. If an extension is granted, <br />the Department will also notify the Respondent of the duration of the extension. <br />8. Notwithstanding the time periods described in the paragraphs above, Respondent <br />shall complete all corrective actions required by this Consent Order within 2 years of the <br />effective date of this Consent Order, and shall be in full compliance with Rule 62-620.300, <br />F.A.C., regardless of any intervening events or alternative time frames imposed in this Order. <br />9. Within 90 days of the effective date of this Consent Order, Respondent shall <br />submit a written estimate of the total cost of the corrective actions required by this Consent <br />Order to the Department. The written estimate shall identify the information the Respondent <br />relied upon to provide the estimate. <br />10. Within 60 days of the effective date of this Order, Respondent shall pay the <br />Department $10,500.00 in settlement of the regulatory matters addressed in this Consent Order. <br />This amount includes $10,00.00 for civil penalties and $500.00 for costs and expenses incurred <br />by the Department during the investigation of this matter and the preparation and tracking of this <br />Consent Order. <br />11. Respondent agrees to pay the Department stipulated penalties in the amount of <br />$250.00 per day for each and every day Respondent fails to timely comply with any of the <br />requirements of Paragraphs 7, 8, and 9 of this Order. The Department may demand stipulated <br />penalties at any time after violations occur. Respondent shall pay stipulated penalties owed <br />within 30 days of the Department's issuance of written demand for payment, and shall do so as <br />further described in Paragraph 12, below. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the <br />Department from filing suit to specifically enforce any terms of this Order. Any stipulated <br />penalties assessed under this paragraph shall be in addition to the civil penalties agreed to in <br />Paragraph 10 of this Order. <br />12. Respondent shall make all payments required by this Order by cashier's check, <br />money order or on-line payment. Cashier's check or money order shall be made payable to the <br />"Department of Environmental Protection" and shall include both the OGC number assigned to <br />this Order and the notation "Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund." Online payments by e - <br />check can be made by going to the DEP Business Portal at: <br />