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A TRUE COPY Page I of I <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br /> Indian River County Recreation Insurance. Indian River County Recreation further <br /> acknowledges that by participating in the following programs, participants shall not be <br /> considered USA Swimming members and shall not be covered by USA Swimming insurance. <br /> Program Promotion,Delivery&Scheduling <br /> The program will be a Indian River County Recreation program and will utilize the Indian River <br /> County Recreation learn-to-swim curriculum. In addition, Indian River County Recreation will <br /> provide training, risk management counseling, and ongoing supervision of the Indian River <br /> County Recreation aquatic staff. <br /> The program will be conducted as part of the Indian River County Recreation lesson program <br /> with the equivalent of no less than four(4)hours in-water Instruction for each participant; this <br /> equates to eight(8) half-hour swimming lessons. <br /> Disbursement and Use of Funds <br /> The USA Swimming Foundation has agreed to pay Indian River County Recreation$3000 to <br /> fund this program. Funds will be disbursed to Local Partner in one payment of$3000 upon <br /> receipt of this signed letter of agreement,a completedW-9/tax status form by USA Swimming, <br /> and verification of USA Swimming Foundation Make a Splash mark and link placement on the <br /> Indian River County Recreation website. The grant is unconditional. However, reporting <br /> requirements provide data that is critical to the success of the program. <br /> Reporting Requirements <br /> Indian River County Recreation agrees to provide enrollment reports to the USA Swimming <br /> Foundation. The report shall include a detailed accounting of all activities and expenditures. <br /> These reports shall follow the schedule below: <br /> I Ot Enrollment Report: Deadline: June 1, 2017 <br /> 2nd Enrollment Report: Deadline: September 1, 2017 <br /> 3rd Enrollment Report: Deadline: January 1, 2018 <br /> Each report should provide the following financial and program information for the most recent <br /> quarter: <br /> Financial Report <br /> A standard financial report outlining all expenditures related to the grant monies for the period. <br /> Learn-to-Swim Participant Data <br /> 1. Total number of participants enrolled in the lessons program for the quarter. <br /> 2. Number of participants served by the grant monies from the USA Swimming Foundation. <br /> 3. Number of participants served by grant monies from the Local Partner program or local <br /> funders. <br /> 4. Breakout of the ages of the participants according to the following age groups:Ages 6-8, <br /> Ages 9-11, Ages 12 &Older. <br /> 5. Breakout of the ethnicity of the participants according to the following options: African <br /> American,Asian,Caucasian,Hispanic,American Indian&Alaska Native,Native Hawaiian <br /> &Other Pacific Islander, and Other. <br /> 6. Breakout of the participants by gender. <br /> 7. A listing of the number of participants reaching each of five (generic 1-5) achievement <br /> I I f6a3a74b7e8&p... 5/3/2017 <br />