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$708,000 in the operating funds of the departments under BCC <br />jurisdiction which are within the General Fund. Administrator <br />Chandler pointed out that he recommended we not fund park <br />improvements within the county in the upcoming year with the <br />exception of the operation and management of Donald McDonald Park. <br />The Forestry Department has managed that park for 25 years and they <br />have indicated that the county must assume management <br />responsibility from this point forward. Irrespective of cutbacks <br />that have been made we must monitor the Gifford Landfill as <br />required by the Department of Environmental Resources (DER). There <br />is also an increase in our budget to compensate for the <br />requirements of Medicaid, over which we have no control. <br />Administrator Chandler recapped that excluding ALS, the General <br />Fund contains a net decrease of $1,452,000. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone <br />wished to be heard in this matter. <br />Rob McClary, City Manager of the City of Sebastian, came <br />before the Board to request conditional appropriation from the <br />County General Fund for further construction of the Barber Street <br />Sports Complex. He recounted that the County traditionally has not <br />provided subsidies to the City of Sebastian as it has to the City <br />of Vero Beach for recreation services because Sebastian does not <br />have the facilities that Vero Beach has. As a result, the City of <br />Sebastian felt the most effective way to provide recreation <br />services would be through construction of a sports facility. The <br />Recreation Committee approved Sebastian's plan and the Commission <br />agreed informally to help fund the program; 50% of $180,000 the <br />first year, and 50% of $100,000 each year thereafter. The first <br />$90,000 was received from the County but each year thereafter the <br />County has found itself in tightened budgets and has not been able <br />to fund what was originally hoped. Likewise the City of Sebastian <br />rolled back its appropriations, and at this point the project is a <br />little behind track. The City of Sebastian now wants to move <br />forward and make up for the past two years by appropriating a <br />project of $180,000 and is asking for 50%, or $90,000, from the <br />County. Mr. McClary also stressed the fact that the facility is <br />maintained completely by the City of Sebastian, use of the facility <br />is on a non-discriminatory basis, not limited to residents of the <br />City of Sebastian, and the rates are uniform. Mr. McClary detailed <br />the importance of the north county facility and cited the numbers <br />of participants in the various programs. The Little League program <br />grew from 262 youths last year to 433 this year, the Panthers <br />7 <br />Bm 87 PALE 508 <br />