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5Q <br />PROCLAMATION <br />DESIGNATING APRIL 30t" THROUGH MAY 6, 2017, AS <br />SMALL BUSINESS WEEK IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />WHEREAS, America's progress has been driven by pioneers who think big, take risks and work hard; <br />and, <br />WHEREAS, from the storefront shops that anchor our downtowns to the high-tech startups that keep <br />America on the cutting edge, small businesses are the backbone of our economy; and, <br />WHEREAS, small business owners and entrepreneurs create jobs, drive innovation, and increase <br />America's global competitiveness; and, <br />WHEREAS, when we support and patronize local small businesses, local jobs are created and local <br />communities preserve their unique culture; and, <br />WHEREAS, the President of the United States has proclaimed National Small Business Week every <br />year since 1963 to honor entrepreneurs throughout the country; and, <br />WHEREAS, small businesses help sustain our quality of life by diversifying and strengthening our tax <br />base in Indian River County; and, <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County supports and joins in this national effort to help America's small <br />businesses do what they do best: grow their business, create jobs, and ensure that our communities remain <br />as vibrant tomorrow as they are today. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA that the week of April 30th through May 6, 2017, be designated as SMALL <br />BUSINESS WEEK IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. <br />Adopted this 18th day of April, 2017. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Joseph E. Flescher, Chairman <br />Peter D. O'Bryan, Vice Chairman <br />Susan Adams <br />Bob Solari <br />Tim Zorc <br />P2 <br />