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The timetable for the project would include collecting the water samples sometime over <br /> the next 3-6 weeks and running the pilot project in early 2017. <br /> A brief background on Greenfield Resources (information provided via the <br /> website, hi#p:// <br /> Greenfield Resources develops and manufactures the world's most advanced industrial <br /> water treatment systems. Greenfield's A.L.E.F. (Advanced Linear Electro-Floatation) <br /> system stands alone as the most innovative and cost-effective water treatment <br /> technology in the world today. Greenfield's systems are capable of treating wastewater <br /> in over 35 different key industries, from the oil and gas sector to aquaculture, poultry <br /> farming and municipal water facilities. <br /> Founded in June of 2014, Greenfield Resources Corporation is a privately owned and <br /> operated industrial wastewater technology company based in Troy, Michigan, with <br /> regional offices in Denver, Colorado and Beijing, China..The company is the developer <br /> and manufacturer of the world's most advanced industrial water treatment systems. <br /> Their seasoned team of professionals boasts over 250 years of combined experience in <br /> energy, environmental technology, international business, finance and management. <br /> Greenfield Resources diligently seeks to expand its horizons and influence by <br /> discovering and developing new methods to cost-effectively treat and recycle the <br /> world's most valuable resource — water. The company holds numerous US and <br /> international patents o_n the world's most advanced, chemical-free water treatment <br /> technologies. <br /> P2 <br />