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MOK 87 Facc 585 -7 <br />General Fund. He suggested taking $1 -million out of reserved for <br />contingencies accounts so as to not hurt any of the budgets. <br />OMB Director Baird explained that the reserve for <br />contingencies is a little misleading because only the first three <br />funds affect the tax millage. The County's fiscal year begins <br />October 1, and there must be something there to fund us until <br />December when the tax revenues start coming in. <br />Administrator Chandler noted that there have been decreases in <br />the General Fund and MSTU contingencies in the 4 years he has been <br />here. <br />Mr. Masi returned to the microphone and asked what happens to <br />the money if a department or division does not spend all their <br />budgeted monies. <br />OMB Director Baird explained that constitutional officers must <br />return to the County any surplus funds remaining at the end of the <br />fiscal year, and Administrator Chandler advised that those are <br />reflected as cash carried forward. <br />There being no others who wished to be heard regarding the <br />General Fund, Vice Chairman Bowman closed the Public Hearing. <br />OMB Director read aloud, in its entirety, the proposed <br />Resolution for the General Fund. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, that the Board adopt Resolution <br />92-163, establishing a tax millage rate for the <br />General Fund of 4.2094 mills for fiscal year 1992- <br />1993. <br />Under discussion, Attorney Vitunac advised newly -seated <br />Commissioner Tippin that he could not refrain from voting because <br />the law states that all those present must vote. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. The Motion <br />was voted on and carried unanimously (4-0, Chairman <br />Eggert being absent). <br />10 <br />