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8/18/2017 10:16:59 AM
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Darker Skies Darker Beaches
Traveling Turtles 2017-2020
Sea Turtle Education Grant
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5. The project leader is a full-time employee with IRC and her position manages sea turtle nesting <br />and other sea turtle activity outlined by the HCP. She plans to be in this position long-term. As <br />part of the Sea Turtle Program she manages a large group of dedicated volunteers which has <br />grown from 12-20 people in the last year and will continue to grow in coming years. There will be <br />plenty of volunteers available to help create the trunk contents, a handful of them already have <br />experience with presenting at schools and are dedicated to keeping good relations with currently <br />involved schools. and the volunteers will be happy to help build a foundation for this new <br />program. The project leader will be responsible for maintaining the trunk contents over time and <br />all contents will be stored in the county office with other education materials used for various <br />programs. She wit also continue to keep relations with the teachers and is dedicated to building <br />relations with the school district board and private school teachers so all students in IRC have an <br />opportunity to learn more about sea turtle conservation and biology. <br />6. During the first year of the program I pian on introducing the truck program to ail 4 public middle <br />schools in the county school district. 7.., graders in these schools with be the first cohort of <br />students that received a marine adaptations and conservation presentation in 5th grade during the <br />15/16 school year. During the first year relationships will be built with these 4 public schools and <br />the 2 charter schools in the school district. By the 2„u year of the program the goal would be to <br />have the trunk in all 6 middle schools. This will happen though teacher relations, word of mouth <br />about the program, and presentations to the county commission and school board after the lst of <br />"learning impact” data has been analyzed. <br />I cannot see any reason why there would be an issue implementing this program. As the <br />application outlines all training will be done by IRG staff before the school year begins with <br />program volunteers and staff and I plan on conducting additional training with IR turtle education <br />volunteers now that the first year of the FLis Traveling Turtles program is complete and all <br />volunteers already have experience helping with other sea turtle education programs. <br />6. Not at this time. Through presentations. workshops, one year of turtle trunk experience and <br />personal communication I have a very detailed idea of how the program works. I fully support this <br />program and cannot wast to use it if chosen. <br />
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