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Cc)NsrRuc'IT)Nl\IA'ri,tuAl.ST1E iNc; <br />OSPRI:Y AcREs Fi.c )WAY AND NA i uRl? PRl ,sl?RYI: <br />AACE PROP( )S,\1 No. P17-810 <br />Page -4- <br />Estimated Man -Hours (based on an approximate 6-month/30-week presence) <br />• Sr. Project Engineer; 30 weeks a 3 hours/week C $110.00/hour $9,900.00 <br />• Sr. Field Technician; 30 weeks )) 40 hours/week" Q $55.00/hour $66,000.00 <br />• Technical Secretary; 40 hours @-) $45.00/hour $1,800.00 <br />(*Assuming 8 -hour work days, Monday through Friday) <br />Laboratory Testing <br />• 15 Proctor Tests a $85.00/rest $1,275.00 <br />• 4 LBR Tests $295.00/test $1,180.00 <br />• Allowance for acceptability testing (organic content, percent tines, carbonate content, etc.) $1,000.00 <br />Concrete Testing <br />• Estimated 50 sets (n>, $85.00/set 4 250.00 <br />• Allowance for cylinder pick-up (not scheduled with other work) <br />and limited standby during concrete pours; 20 hours (a), $55.00/hour $1,100.00 <br />TOTAL ANTICIPATED TESTING BUDGET $86,505.00 <br />The following conditions apply to this project: <br />(1) When not present full-time, the Contractor (or Indian River County Representative) must contact Andersen Andre <br />Consulting Engineers, Inc. at (772) 807-9191 a minimum of 24 hours prior to any testing and 48 hours prior to <br />weekend, holiday and evening work. <br />(2) Unit rates apply to standard working days, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m. Testing and hourly rates <br />will be increased by 50°Fo for weekend, holiday or after-hours services. <br />(3) If our testing estimate for a specific work element is insufficient for that particular activity, resources from another <br />work element can he used without prior authorization from the client as long as our total cost estimate is not <br />exceeded. \X'e will notify you in advance if it appears that the cost estimate presented in the attached unit fee <br />schedule will be exceeded. <br />(4) Asphalt sampling/testing, is not included herein. We will be pleased to revise this proposal to include such testing, <br />if needed. <br />:PS.:i' .+4k.3?''t:.".1(;.NSU.'E:nY;. <br />