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4-28-17 <br />improvements not dedicated to and accepted by the City. <br />2. In connection with its development of the Property, Owner/Developer shall be required to <br />install or have installed by private providers, where applicable, all private utilities (electric, <br />cable, gas), surface water or stormwater management systems, water and wastewater <br />facilities, that relate to the overall development to meet City specifications and <br />detennination, concurrency management requirements of the City, County or other <br />regulatory agencies, and the City's Land Development Codes. All utilities shall be <br />underground. <br />3. The Owner/Developer acknowledges responsibility to obtain all required Federal, State, <br />County and Local permits as may be applicable to the development of the Property. The <br />Owner/Developer shall comply with all regulations and ordinances of the City for the <br />development of the Property. <br />4. In connection with the development of the Property, the Owner/Developer shall construct <br />both on-site and off-site wastewater collection and force main system facilities per City <br />specifications and determination. Upon request by the City, the Owner/Developer shall <br />dedicate the utility improvements to the City. Any line sizing beyond the level required to <br />support development of the Property shall be constructed by the Owner/Developer with <br />provisions made to allow the Owner/Developer to recover any costs resulting from the <br />upsizing from future developers. The Owner/Developer shall provide permanent standby <br />emergency generators and radio telemetry units with each sewer pump station constructed by <br />the Owner/Developer to serve the development of the Property. <br />5. All public or private improvements required under the terms of this Agreement or by the <br />City's regulations/codes, shall be constructed at the expense of and by the Owner/Developer <br />as approved by the City. <br />6. Owner/Developer shall contract for solid waste pick up services to serve the Property at such <br />time it is developed. <br />7. The Owner/Developer owns land fronting on 89`h Street and shall dedicate without <br />compensation one-half (1/2) of land for the ultimate right-of-way for 891h Street as <br />{00058250.DOC.1 } EXHIBIT `B" <br />To ORDINANCE No. 2017-19 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />