Board of County Commissioners
<br />Budget Workshop - Final July 12, 2017
<br />Transportation Fund Budget Overview:
<br />• Total Budget is $15,588,761, an increase of $279,986, or 1.8%
<br />• Staffing increase - $202,094 for three (3) Full Time Positions
<br />• Pipe and Culverts - $60,000
<br />• Rolling Stock/Capital Equipment - $690,220, an increase of $19,617
<br />Administrator recommendations for Transportation Departments:
<br />• Road and Bridge - $7,648,425, an increase of $3,668
<br />• Public works - $331,294, an increase of $41,940, or 14.5%
<br />• County engineering - $2,371,745, an increase of $208,274, or 9.6%
<br />• Traffic engineering - $2,628,366, a decrease of $167,034, or (6.0%)
<br />• Stormwater - $733,278, a decrease of $129,265, or (15.0%)
<br />Total Transportation Departments was $13,713,108, a decrease of $42,417 or
<br />(0.3%)
<br />The Chairman opened the floor for public comments.
<br />Bob Johnson, Coral Wind Subdivision, inquired about where Hurricane Matthew
<br />expenditures are budgeted.
<br />Administrator Brown clarified that the County had been working with the Federal
<br />Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for reimbursement for costs of overtime,
<br />materials, and repairs from Hurricane Matthew. He stated that typically there is a
<br />75% match from FEMA, and that the State funds between 12.5% and 25%. He
<br />said that the County could have to fund up to 25% of those expenditures from
<br />reserves.
<br />114-120 FIRE RESCUE
<br />17-0736
<br />Attachments: Emergency Services District
<br />Administrator Brown explained the driving forces behind the cost increases, and
<br />the impacts of opening several Fire Stations consecutively. He explained that
<br />because of the significant increase in the population, call volumes have increased
<br />50% in the last ten (10) years. The Board made positive comments about the
<br />Emergency Services District, which included the successful contract agreements
<br />with the Firefighters, the results of the labor management negotiation process, and
<br />the implementation of the Critical Incident Stress Management Program.
<br />Indian River County Florida
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