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M ® M <br />Director Keating stated that the next change is the separation <br />distance requirement from 1000 to 500 feet from any habitable <br />structure. That is in conjunction with DER's requirements, which <br />means to get the 500 -foot distance they would have to use an air <br />curtain with vertical refractory walls. If they use a trench <br />burner the distance requirement would be 1000 feet. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt that there should be flexibility in <br />the separation distances and the type of burners because of <br />possible new technology which may give a cleaner burn and not <br />impact on neighboring properties. <br />Commissioner Bird thought there should be a provision where if <br />a residence falls within the separation distance,the party doing <br />the burning could get permission for the adjacent property owner. <br />Director Keating stated that we do not have that provision. <br />Joe Spataro, Forest Area Supervisor, stated that there is a <br />provision in state law which allows for a variance for the <br />encroachment. DER requires an affidavit to do that. <br />Commissioner Scurlock suggested; and Director Keating agreed <br />to research that possibility for future changes in this section. <br />Director Keating addressed another big change in Section 924 <br />regarding separation distances from the pit to a habitable <br />structure. The proposed ordinance reduces that distance from 1000 <br />to 500 feet. Director Keating demonstrated with the aid of a graph <br />the number of parcels east of I-95 which would meet the 1000 -foot <br />and the 500 -foot separation requirement. He noted there are 40 <br />parcels which meet the 1000 -foot requirement and 60 which meet the <br />500 -foot requirement. He pointed out that staff analyzed the DER <br />rules which come into effect with their exemptions and decided that <br />people would be as well protected with a 500 -foot separation <br />distance as with the 1000 -foot separation distance we have now. We <br />would require the air curtain with vertical refractory walls for <br />the 500 -foot distance, whereas DER allows a 300 -foot distance under <br />the same circumstances. When they use a trench burner, these <br />requirements require them to be consistent with DER's rules which <br />means they must meet a 1000 -foot separation. These are details <br />that the Fire Division will be implementing in conjunction with the <br />Forestry Division. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked about wind direction. <br />Mr. DeBlois explained that burning permits must be coordinated <br />with the Division of Forestry and will be overseen by our Fire <br />Division. The Division of Forestry makes recommendations on a day <br />by day basis and the County calls them every day before issuing <br />permits. The County will not issue permits for air incinerators. <br />That will be handled by the Fire Division and Division of Forestry. <br />19 <br />SEP 17 I r� <br />