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DOCKET NO. 20170179 -GU <br />Florida City Gas <br />DOCKET NO. 20170179 -GU <br />Synopsis of Rate Request <br />I. Company Overview <br />Florida City Gas (FCG or Company) was originally incorporated as City Gas Company <br />of Florida in 1949. Its initial operations were as a propane dealer in Dade County, Florida. <br />Beginning in 1960, the Company commenced operations as a natural gas local distribution <br />company ("LDC"), and thus, became a "public utility" as that term is defined in Section 366.02, <br />Florida Statutes. As such, the Company was, henceforth, subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of <br />the Florida Public Service Commission. In 1988, NUI Corporation, which was headquartered in <br />Bedminster, New Jersey, acquired the Company, merging it under its subsidiary, NUI Utilities, <br />Inc. The Company also expanded its service to include St. Lucie, Martin, Indian River, and <br />Palm Beach Counties. On November 30, 2004, NUI Utilities, Inc. became a wholly-owned <br />subsidiary of AGL Resources Inc. ("AGLR"), headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, whereupon the <br />Company's name was eventually changed to Pivotal Utility Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Florida City Gas <br />in Florida. In July 2016, AGLR became Southern Company Gas, a wholly-owned subsidiary of <br />The Southern Company ("Southern"), which provides electric and natural gas service to over 9 <br />million customers through its various subsidiaries, and also operates as a leading provider of <br />wholesale energy and customized energy solutions, as well as fiber optics and wireless <br />communications. The common stock of Southern is owned by approximately 128,000 registered <br />shareholders of record, over 11,000 of whom reside in Florida. As a subsidiary of Southern <br />Company Gas, FCG currently serves approximately 108,000 residential, commercial and <br />industrial natural gas customers in Florida's Miami -Dade, Brevard, St. Lucie, Palm Beach, <br />Glades, Hendry, Broward, and Indian River counties. <br />II. Request for Rate Increase/ Summary <br />On October 23, 2017, for the first time in almost fourteen years, the Company filed a <br />request for a rate increase with the Florida Public Service Commission ("Commission") asking <br />1 Page <br />