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ORDER NO. PSC -2018 -0049 -TRF -EI <br />DOCKET NO. 20170216 -EI <br />PAGE 9 <br />FLORIDAPOR'E R& LIGHT COMPANY <br />Attachment A <br />Page 6 of 12 <br />First Revised SheetNo.8.434 <br />Cancel g Orional Sheet No. 8.434 <br />(Continued from SheetNo. 8.433) <br />TERM OF SERVICE- <br />During the fust year of service under this Rate Schedule, the Customer will determine whether or not this program is <br />appropriate for the Customer and may request to exit the programsubject to the Provisions for Early Temmination. Itis <br />intended that the Comparry will continue to provide and the Customer will continue to take service under this Rate <br />Schedule for the life of the generating unit which has been avoided by the rate. There is, however, a three-year <br />termination notice provision which will allow either the Customer or the Companyto teminate service under this Rate <br />Schedule should there be circurnstan ces under whichthe terrrinationof the Customer's participation or the Company's <br />offering of the Rate Schedule is desired. <br />Service under this Rate Schedule shall continue ur"temzinatedby eitherthe Company or the Customer upon written <br />notice Transfers to a different non-firm service option require 30 days' <br />notice. provided that the customer does not increase the current level of contracted Firm Demand. Transfers to a firm <br />service option. transfers to a different non-firm service option with arty• increase in Firm Demand, or termination of <br />service for any other reasonshall require three (3)years' notice andbe subject to the Provisions for Early Termination <br />below. Should a Customer teminate service or be removed by the Company and later desire to resume service under <br />this Rate Schedule, the Custcn-rrmustprovide three (3) years written notice prior to resuming service under this Rate <br />Schedule. <br />The Companymaytemiinateservice under this Rate Schedule at any time for the Customers failure to comply with the <br />terms and conditions of this Rate Schedule orthe Agreemert for Curtailable Service. Priorto any suchtemrination, the <br />Company shall notify the Customer at least ninety (90) days inadvarrceand descnbethe Crstomer'sfailure to comply. <br />The Companymay then terminate service under this Rate Schedule at the end of the 90 -day notice period unless the <br />Customer takesmeasuresnecessaryto eliminate,to the Cornparry's satisfaction, the compliance deficiencies describedby <br />the Company. Notwithstandingthe foregoing, it at anytime during the 90 -day period, the Customer either refuses or <br />fails to initiate and pursue corrective action, the Company shall be entitled to suspend forthwith the monthly billing <br />under this Rate Schedule and bill the Customerunder the otherwise applicable firm service rate schedule. <br />PROVISIONS FOR EARLY TERMINATION: <br />Transfers, with less than three (3) years written notice, to any firm retail rate schedule for which the Customer would <br />qualify, maybe pen -rifted if it Can be shown that suchtrans&r is in the best interests of the Customer, the C orripany and <br />the Company's other customers. <br />If the Customer no longer wishes to receive electric service in arty forrnf romthe Company, or decides to cogenerate to <br />serve all of the previously curtailed Demand andto take interruptible standby service fromthe Company, the Customer <br />may teminatetheAgreement for Curtailable Ser iceby giving atleastthirty(30) days advancewnttennoticeto the <br />Company . <br />If service under this Rate Schedule is terminated the Customer will not be rebilled as specified in <br />Charges for Early Termination if: <br />a. it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Company that the impact of such transfer of service on the <br />econorric cost-effectiveness of the Compamy's Curtailable Service Rate Schedule is in the best interests of the <br />Customer, the Company and the Company's other customers, or <br />b. the termination of service under this Rate Schedule is the result of eitherthe Custorner's ceasing operations at its <br />facility (without continuing or establishing similar operations elsewhere in the Company's service area), or a <br />decisionby the Custarnerto cogenerate to serve all ofthe previously curtailable Demand and to take interruptible <br />standby service from the Company, or <br />c. any other Customer(s) with demand curtailment equivalent to, or greater than that of the existing Customer(s) <br />agree(s) to take service under this schedule and the MW demand curtailment commitment to the Company's <br />GenerationExpansionPlan has been met and the new replacement Customer(s) is (are) available to perform <br />demand curtailment. <br />Continued on Sheet No. 8.43 <br />Issuedby: S.E.RomiF,Director, Rates and Tariffs <br />Effective.- duh MM <br />