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EXHIBIT A <br />Indian River County Sector 3 Sea Turtle Monitoring — 2018 <br />scarps, seawalls, etc.) encountered by turtles during their emergences onto the <br />beach will be documented. <br />Upon conclusion of sea turtle data analyses for the 2018 nesting season, an <br />interpretive report, including an assessment of project impacts, if any, will be <br />submitted to APTIM. This assessment will be based on statistical and other <br />comparisons of nesting and reproductive success data between treatment and <br />control areas. EAI will meet with APTIM to review and identify any changes <br />warranted in the interpretive report. If such changes are made by EAI, a revised <br />final report will be prepared and submitted to APTIM. <br />4) Nest Marking and Monitoring (FDEP Specific Condition No. 29). A <br />representative sample of nests (approximately 130 loggerhead, 130 green turtle and <br />10 leatherback nests) within the Sector 3 Project Area, as well as the control, will <br />be marked between March 1 and September 15, 2018. The clutch of each marked <br />nest will be located and surrounded by a series of small stakes connected by brightly <br />colored surveyor's tape. Each marked nest will be monitored throughout its <br />incubation period to determine nest fate (e.g. hatched, washed out, depredated, <br />vandalized, etc.). After an appropriate incubation period, and in accordance with <br />FWC protocols, nests will be excavated to determine reproductive success. Two <br />measures of reproductive success will be calculated: hatching success (the <br />percentage of eggs in the nest that hatch) and emerging success (the percentage of <br />eggs in the nest that produce hatchlings which successfully escape from the nest). <br />At the direction of Indian River County, late season nests will be barricaded for <br />conservation purposes. <br />5) Pre -season Escarpment Survey and Weekly Post -construction Scarp Monitoring <br />(FDEPSpecific Condition No. 24). A complete escarpment (scarp) survey will be <br />conducted within the Sector 3 Project Area during the first week of February 2018 <br />and the results submitted to APTIM. The length, average height category, and <br />approximate maximum height (as described below) will be recorded for both beach <br />and dune scarps. As dune scarps effectively mark the landward extent of suitable <br />nesting habitat, it may not be necessary to monitor these throughout the entire <br />nesting season. APTIM shall be responsible for seeking clarification from the <br />USFWS regarding weekly monitoring of dune scarps. EAI will provide data or <br />clarification regarding this matter where needed. <br />Additionally, scarp surveys will be conducted on a weekly basis within the Sector <br />3 Project Area from March I through September 30, 2018. In accordance with <br />FWC protocol, scarps are functionally defined as an abrupt change in beach slope <br />(greater than 45°) at least 18 inches in height that persists for a distance of 100 feet <br />or more. The location of both the northern and southern terminus of each scarp will <br />be recorded by GPS and average scarp height assigned to one of three categories (0 <br />to 2 feet, 2 to 4 feet, and 4 feet or higher). Additionally, the maximum height of <br />each scarp will be measured. The location (relative to R monuments), approximate <br />length, height category, maximum height, and percentage of beach scarped will be <br />4 <br />