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OCT 2 01992BOOK 8,7 <br />G. Cancelling Taxes on R/W Acquisition <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated October 7, 1992: <br />TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />FROM: Lea R. Keller, CLA, County Attorney's Office <br />DATE: October 7, 1992 <br />RE: CANCELLING TAXES ON R/W ACQUISITION <br />The County has recently acquired some land for right-of-way purposes, <br />and, pursuant to section 196.28, Florida Statutes, the Board of County <br />Commissioners is allowed to cancel and discharge any taxes owed on the <br />portion of the property acquired for public purposes. Such cancellation <br />must be done by resolution of the Board with a certified copy being <br />forwarded to the Tax Collector. <br />REQUESTED ACTION: Request Board authorize Chairman to sign and <br />then forward to the Tax Collector a certified copy of the attached <br />resolution cancelling the taxes due upon land the County recently <br />acquired for right of way. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously adopted <br />Resolution 92-187, cancelling certain taxes upon <br />publicly owned lands pursuant to Section 196.28, <br />Florida Statutes, and authorized the Chairman to <br />execute and then forward to the Tax Collector a <br />certified copy of said Resolution. <br />12 <br />� � r <br />