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LEASE OF COUNTY'S AIR CURTAIN INCINERATOR <br />Community Development Director Robert M. Keating and Public <br />Works Director James Davis presented the following memo dated <br />October 14, 1992: <br />TO: James Chandler <br />County Administrator <br />FROM: Robert M. Keating, AICP 4140( <br />Community Development Director <br />James Davis, Director <br />Public Works Department CN <br />DATE: October 14, 1992 <br />SUBJECT: LEASE OF COUNTY'S AIR CURTAIN INCINERATOR <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal <br />consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at their regular <br />meeting of October 20, 1992. <br />DESCRIPTION & CONDITIONS: <br />In conjunction with adoption of the County's land development <br />regulations and at the request of county residents, the Board of <br />County Commissioners, in 1990, enacted regulations that required the <br />use of an air curtain incinerator for the burning of non - <br />agriculturally generated land clearing debris. Recently, the Board <br />amended these regulations, making several changes including the <br />reduction of required separation distances. <br />The air,;curtain incinerator requirements protect residents in the <br />proximity of a burn site by limiting the amount and duration of <br />smoke that would be produced by open burning. For that reason, the <br />air curtain requirement is particulari a i <br />burn sites. <br />y ppropr ate for urban area <br />Recent events, however, have limited the availability of air <br />curtain incinerators. Because of Hurricane Andrew and the debris <br />produced by that storm, many air curtain incinerators have been <br />sent to South Florida. Consequently, no air curtains are locally <br />available, and the prospects for availability of air curtains <br />within the next nine months are low. This situation has produced <br />a hardship on one developer who has cleared a project site and <br />removed commercially mulchable material, with the intent of burning <br />stumps and citrus trees. In this case, the developer has been <br />unable to secure an air curtain to burn this debris. <br />While no air curtains are commercially available in this area, the <br />Public Works Department does have a mobile air curtain incinerator <br />which is currently being used to burn debris generated by clearing <br />the right-of-way for Indian River Boulevard Phase IV. When that <br />clearing is complete in the next few weeks, the County's air <br />curtain will be available for a short time, while it is between <br />jobs. <br />17 <br />